Sounds pretty amazing huh? One of the reasons I quit going to several of the blogging conferences, was the fact that they are becoming so huge and impersonal. It got to where everyone was avoiding the conference itself and just networking on the side, because we all know what kind of connections can be made through those small, intimate meetups. Brandcation is nothing like those blogging conferences and everything about intimate networking.
On April 3rd, I’ll be sailing off on Royal Caribbean’s Liberty of the Seas cruise ship. It’s an impressive ship that I just have to tell you, has an ice skating rink!!! Holy moly is that cool! I have never tried to ice skate but I am sooo gonna on this trip! While I’m excited to share more about the ship with you, I’ll wait until I’ve actually experienced it so that you can get a more personal review through my eyes. I can’t imagine the cruise being anything less than spectacular so I can’t wait to share more about each part of the ship and what it has to offer!
Brandcation is hosted by Momdot and Brandfluential. If you only knew the amount of work these ladies put in to organize such an event. The tiniest details receive so much focus, even when they’re picking your roommate. It says a lot about who they are and the kind of event they want you to experience. Even more, in my opinion, what makes this event (in its 6th year) amazing, is the size. Because it’s a smaller group of attendees, it allows for more in-depth conversation that leads to creative thinking, fresh perspectives, and brand experiences. As a 7 year blogging vet, things can get old real quick and sometimes, it takes a more of an out-of-the-box event to refresh the mind and renew the fire under my hiney to create new, fresh content and make this blog better for me, and YOU. Oh, and another neat thing they do……each attendee gets dedicated time to speak to the group about their sponsor. That’s pretty awesome – undivided attention about our sponsor. That’s what I’m talking about y’all. And we don’t have to rent a booth or pay extra to do it!
If you want to follow me during my blogging cruise, watch for the hashtag–> #SeasTheDay and if you’re interested in the ship Liberty of the Seas, click here to see all the ship’s details.
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