All my boys have chores every day, mostly at the barn, and Truett is no exception. As soon as we tell him it’s time, he usually walks to the barn. Sometimes we walk, sometimes we drive but he always walks. I think if he ever figures out how to ride that bike of his on those rocks, he’ll love going back and forth to the barn that way.
His chores consisted of unloading 50lb feed bags. Okay, well, he only had to push them down off each other so that we could reach them. He loves to do that….it makes him feel strong. It’s funny though ’cause I remember when Tyler was about his age and would drag those feed bags out to the horse troughs to feed horses. Truett tries but I guess Tyler was always super strong….just as he is now. He clearly worked hard…I mean, look at how dirty he is. He HAD to have put a lot of effort in to get that like that you know? ;)
Luckily Toby was just getting home from school and was able to pitch in. They both rode back to the house together. When I looked into the side mirror and saw them, I had to get a shot. I was leaning out of the truck to get it and it melts my heart. I love those kinds of moments.
I can’t believe how fast time is flying by and this photo made me realize that once Tyler graduates this year, it will be just those two left…………….
Those are some fine young men that you and Noe are raising
Got to love those cowboy knees.
Ah, Lori. How I have missed you. You have no idea how I connect with you on so many levels. My boys look like that every weekend. I think it is farm life. On school days, at the end of the day, they come in dirty, but not that bad, since all they do is feed. Weekends are another matter. Thank you so much for deciding to come back.
I love the pic with his dirty knees! Too cute! And the last one where they are sitting together on the tailgate…. well, I love those moments! It is funny because I have pictures like that in my mind too… memories of the kids in the back of the track riding back from the barn and it is so precious to me. Time is flying fast!! I am glad you are freezing moments in time like this! Reminds me I need to do that more often too!