We don’t usually get such icy conditions in this part of Texas but boy did we have a cold spell to start the New Year. We were out of power for almost 2 days, some are still out as I type this post. Regardless, cows still gotta eat and they definitely need water! That means we’re feeding’ cows and breakin’ ice!
Normally I don’t go with my husband to feed. To be quite truthful, it’s pretty darn boring. Keep in mind though, I had been stuck in the house for days due to severe icy roads and I was about to pull my hair out from being stuck in the house nonstop. And of course, I so wanted to help open gates. (insert sarcasm) We got out to make our first round of feedin’ when guess what? Yep, a stinkin’ flat! My fella had to do a whole of things to get a suitable tire for the feeder, all of which took a whole hour and a half. Surely the cold was setting in on him but my cowboy never showed any sign of being cold. Just does his job with an occasional wiping of the ice off his mustache. True Grit.
Once we got that done, we headed out to finish feedin’, with a stop or two at the frozen water troughs. As he started the siren to call the cattle, we stopped and broke some ice. Well, I say we, but I guess that should be HE. That ice was thick y’all and it would have taken a whole lot of effort for me to even break through it.
Told ya that’s some thick ice! As we were breakin’, the cows were a comin’. Did y’all know that I’m totally allergic to cattle and horses? If I pet any of them, I break out in little itchy bumps and start sneezing like crazy. IF I’m gonna be in the dirt areas where they are, like the pens or at a rodeo, I have to take ONE Benadryl because that’s the only thing that works at all for me. If I take two, I’m knocked out!
I absolutely don’t like the cold weather, not even a little bit but it did make for some cool pictures. All the ice ended up breaking several tree branches on the ranch and in the community. We usually get snow and some ice but nothing like this. Pretty though, huh?
After all was said and done, I was sure glad I got to get out of the house, but even more happy to spend that alone time with my man. Hope your New Year was warmer than ours!
Holy moly! That is some seriously thick ice for Texas! I love this post because when everyone else can cuddle inside by the fire, the cattle gotta eat! A rancher’s work never ceases! :) I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Years!
Hey Erin! I remember one year early in our marriage when I was so mad that we couldn’t go back home for Christmas to see family and the ranch manager said, “well, I’m sorry but the cows down know it’s Christmas”….they gotta eat!