When asked to review an app for the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad I was excited because the app was about productivity and organization. I hadn’t heard of Intuition, the Mom’s Personal Assistant so I was ready to dive in. I think calling it a “mom’s” is a little limiting because I think it can be used by all women and even men for that matter, although, the colors may be a bit too cheerful for the fellas. *giggle* We all have moments of chaos and many of us have embraced the digital world so having an app that simplifies every day living is just perfect. I’ve tried several organization apps and this by far takes the cake. And even though I said anyone can use it, I do think that Moms will fall in love with it. It has to be the most user friendly organization tool ever.
The first thing you’ll notice is the flower petal like design. It’s very clear, colorful and easy to navigate each categories. Categories consist of:
- Organize tasks and to-do lists by categories such as family, school or travel. Or by locations, such as home, office, and grocery store
- Customizable grocery lists with hundreds of items to choose from
- Easy viewing of completed tasks so you can see your productivity
- Reusable checklists and shopping lists
- Task due-dates and times
- Task reminders via email and iPhone alerts
- View your schedule by day, month or as a complete list to quickly see what’s due today, tomorrow, or later
- Recurring tasks for events like soccer games, piano lessons or appointments
- Ability to sync with Google Calendar, iCal and iPhone calendar via Google
- Download templates designed by busy parents and professionals for nutritional and recipe tips, event and party planning, activities for kids, travel and entertainment ideas
When you don’t want the flower petal down, it can easily be hidden which I loved but found that I preferred it down most of the time. As you can see in the above photo, when you click on the categories petal, it gives you a list of categories that you can add your tasks to. I found that I used grocery shopping, calls, and errands the most.
This photo shows you the calendar and community tips which I found quite useful. You can have your tasks categorized by location and on your calendar. LOVE that feature. Once you complete a task, you can simply mark that off. The community tips section had some pretty neat tips. It wasn’t something I used much but I did find myself reading all the different ideas.
The grocery list was one of my faves. Since my iPhone is attached to my hip, I found it handy to add ingredients and household items I needed and then whip out at the store to add to my basket. The wish list feature is handy for adding birthday items and other gift ideas. Do you ever hear your mom or kid say they would love to have that but then forget what it was by the time their birthday rolls around? Well I do and with this, I was able to add what Toby wanted for his birthday. In fact, I actually text my oldest to ask him and when he text me back, I added it in. And sometimes me and my mom will have conversations of things we like, want, etc. I found myself putting those things on the wish list so that when her birthday comes around, I’ll be able to reference her faves easily.
I haven’t used the everything else category because every other category is so darn organized but I’m sure it will become useful in time.
Overall, the app ROCKS! It literally started out on page 4 of my apps on my iPhone and is now on the first page for easy access. The more I use it, the more I depend on it. I can’t wait til I get the iPad because that will be the first thing I download!
I use Rainlendar desktop calendar. It syncs with Google Calendar and my G1, so I can stay on top of things no matter where I am.
To simplify, I make sure not to spread myself too thin, and then I use google calendar. I hadn’t heard about this app and am going to download it on my iphone!
.-= Tiffany´s last blog ..Tropicana Deal of the Day — B1G1 Free Movie Tickets From Fandango =-.
I simplify and organize my life by using the “one in – one out” rule. That is, if I bring in something new, I get rid of something old.
.-= annulla´s last blog ..So … here we go with a new type of blog =-.
I throw away or giveaway stuff I don’t use. It is the key to organization not to have alot of stuff.
I make a list with all the things I have to do in a day. It is so much easier and helpful.
I don’t have the Intuition app but it looks really great. I’d love to try it.
Thanks for the chance.
email subscriber
I simplify and organize my life by making a daily list of things I need to do. I check mark them off after they are completed.
The only way I can organize my life right now is by making lists, lists and more lists. My husband will be deploying again and there are so many details I have to take care of while he is gone so I have to write lots of things down. I don’t have any gadgets that require apps but I really think these would really help me greatly. Thank you!
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I’m in the process right now of trying to organize/simplify my life DRASTICALLY! I’ve always been a list maker, but the lists are on envelopes, post-it notes, grocery store receipts, feed sacks, etc. etc. So the first and simplest thing I’ve done is to just keep a spiral notebook with me all the time to write my lists in. It’s actually been good because it’s also become a journal of sorts, where I jot down ideas, quick poems, songs I want to download, and quotes I hear.
I’ve REALLY been craving an Ipod Touch…so hope I win!
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.-= Wendybob´s last blog ..Thunder Only Happens When It’s Raining… =-.
And I’m a Facebook fan!!!
.-= Wendybob´s last blog ..Thunder Only Happens When It’s Raining… =-.
Organize? What is organize? I seriously need some help keeping track of appointments and schedules and since I am obsessed with my iPhone, this sounds like a great app. I have one that does only grocery lists, but not everything Intuition does.
.-= Kate @ The Shopping Mama´s last blog ..Clouds & Stars — QuickZip Crib Sheet — Review + Giveaway =-.
I tweeted. http://twitter.com/TheShoppingMama/status/12339172081
.-= Kate @ The Shopping Mama´s last blog ..Clouds & Stars — QuickZip Crib Sheet — Review + Giveaway =-.
Right now organization goes on in my head. I have a running list of things I need to do… and let me tell you, it’s not the best system. I’m constantly worried that I’m going to forget something so this sounds like a great app! I think I’m the last person on earth without an ipod/iphone, so this would be wonderful!
.-= xenia´s last blog ..{Review & Giveaway} Custom blog makeover from housenine designs. Update your look for spring! ARV $70 =-.
Tweet! http://twitter.com/contestaddict/status/12339512235
.-= xenia´s last blog ..{Review & Giveaway} Custom blog makeover from housenine designs. Update your look for spring! ARV $70 =-.
I stay organized by making sure I write everything down. If I tried to remember it all in my head I always forget something.
Going to check this cool app out.
.-= Kelly W´s last blog ..Thanks for your support for the SYTYC =-.
i simplify our lives by trying not to overschedule!
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.-= Kelly W´s last blog ..Thanks for your support for the SYTYC =-.
My organizational skill were awful so my son took over, put everything in it’s place in the house now all I need do is make sure I put things back when I am done with them! Seems to be working out good so far.
Well, I guess this is pretty low tech, but I have a notebook that I write everything in that I need to do for a week, and things I need to buy. It cuts down on having lists made all over the place and losing them.
consencrate on simplifing one thing at a time such as finanaces , your schedule, your job etc avoid stress
I do not have the Intuition app because I do not have an iPhone, iPod touch or any type of smartphone. I would really love to have one though, because it would definitely save paper. Right now I use so many lists to keep organized!
Before I get out of bed. I decide what I want to get done for the day..
.-= Deb M´s last blog ..Girls Pajama Party 2010 =-.
I don’t have an iphone.
I put every event in my cell phone’s calendar, with the reminder set appropriately, right when I’m notified about the event. Like at the doctor’s office, I put the next appt in my calendar while I’m standing there with the receptionist.
.-= Monique Burkes´s last blog ..Free Book Friday Giveaway: Scott Turow’s Presumed Innocent =-.
I let the answering machine take messages. No more running to the phone when I am busy..
I’m a list maker, I have post-it’s and scraps of paper tacked up to my fridge and computer monitor. It really annoys me,it looks so unorganized bu,t if I don’t have the notes and lists, I always forget something at the store or an appointment I had. This app sounds like just the ticket for me.
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.-= Kelly W´s last blog ..Thanks for your support for the SYTYC =-.
I always have a TO DO list.
I keep my life organized by tracking income with Excel spreadsheets. So helpful!
.-= Chelsea´s last blog ..Crazy for Shoes {The Summer Edition} =-.
I’m an e-mail subscriber (waterprincess812@aol.com)
.-= Chelsea´s last blog ..Crazy for Shoes {The Summer Edition} =-.
I developed a tickler system that helps me stay organized.
.-= Cindi @ Moomette’s Magnificents´s last blog ..How To Shop For Boutique Childrens Clothes: Be A Frugal Fashionista =-.
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.-= Cindi @ Moomette’s Magnificents´s last blog ..Springing Into Action: Dieting and Water Are On My To Do List =-.
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.-= Chelsea Daigle´s last blog ..Crazy for Shoes {The Summer Edition} =-.
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.-= Cindi @ Moomette’s Magnificents´s last blog ..Vlog: Sally Hansen Insta-Smooth Pods: Creme Hair Remover For Face =-.
I have 90% of my daughters clothes all in co-ordinating colors, so we can get her dressed and out the door quick & easy
.-= Robin´s last blog ..The Autism Book: Review & Giveaway (3 copies) =-.
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.-= Robin´s last blog ..The Autism Book: Review & Giveaway (3 copies) =-.
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.-= Robin´s last blog ..The Autism Book: Review & Giveaway (3 copies) =-.
I feel like a dinosaur! I use a plain old calendar and write everything on it. I don’t have any phone or touch with apps. Does that make me technologically challenged??
Honestly, my life feels anything but organized or simplified lately. I’m struggling. The only thing helping me stay on top of activities is that I write them all out on the calendar.
Ooh this app would be awesome! I mostly try to stay organized by leaving reminders n my laptop and cellphone. Thanks so much!
I RSS subscribe via Yahoo reader.
I use a mothers calander and for ogranzining bills I have 2 different expandable folders one for kids disablitiy paper work and one for all our bills and important documents. walmart has them clearneced out right now for 3.00
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.-= Sarah´s last blog ..Follow Friday =-.
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.-= Sarah´s last blog ..Follow Friday =-.
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.-= Sarah´s last blog ..Follow Friday =-.
use the calendar & appointments
I already subscribe to your Email RSS Feed. :)
.-= Rebecca´s last blog ..Proof That I Actually Win Contests! =-.
I try to get rid of clutter in my house
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@RebeMecomber on April 17, 10:53EST.
.-= Rebecca´s last blog ..Proof That I Actually Win Contests! =-.
This Intuition program does look good. You are right, the colors are a bit, uh shall we say, intense! But my life is pretty busy right now, and I have forgotten to pay a few bills recently (credit card bills, AUGHHHH!!) and have missed a few appointments (unbelievable! it’s so embarrassing). ***sigh***
Right now, the only way I organize my life is with billions of sticky notes and Reminder Fox addon for my Firefox browser. It’s cool, but if I’m away from the computer….
Anyway, since I’m not likely to hire a personal maid, software will have to do. I’ll check it out. Thanks for the review.
I don’t have an iPod Touch, I would love one because I’ve been looking for a small organizer like that.
.-= Rebecca´s last blog ..Proof That I Actually Win Contests! =-.
One of the things I do to simplify is by having the kids pitch in with me at bed time to pick up the small messes that way we can start each day with a fresh start.
.-= Cat´s last blog ..59 Reasons to Love the Boon Trio Animal Bag =-.
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.-= Cat´s last blog ..59 Reasons to Love the Boon Trio Animal Bag =-.
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.-= Cat´s last blog ..59 Reasons to Love the Boon Trio Animal Bag =-.
I have a spread sheet list with all of my bills listed and checked off as I pay them. If something gets lost in the mail to me, I notice it……this has saved me quite a few times.
.-= The Wife of a Dairyman ~nancy´s last blog ..Get the Skinny on Butter Facts =-.
I keep lists – I’m turning 50 this year so I need to be aware of my cognitive limits. I’ve also slowed down my obligations – I’ve taken a critical view of things I ‘have to do’ and I’ve eliminated several things. Sadly, some of it is active friendship but I find it better and easier to scale down my social obligations.
Simplifying life: I organize, plan, and keep a to-do list. Not knowing what needs to be done is terrible for productivity and terrible productivity means NOTHING is simple in my world LOL So, maintaining a schedule and keeping track of everything I need to do keeps things simple for me :) Also, categorizing and prioritizing everything makes a HUGE difference. I don’t have this app, but would DEFINITELY use it if I win the iPod Touch!
I try to keep my life organized with lists. I have lists everywhere.
Thanks for the chance.
crystal_reagan at hotmail dot com
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.-= Crystal @ Simply Being Mommy´s last blog ..Coupon Preview for 04/18/10 =-.
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.-= Crystal @ Simply Being Mommy´s last blog ..Coupon Preview for 04/18/10 =-.
I simplify my life by using lists and staying as organized as possible.
.-= Andrea H´s last blog ..Beautyfix | Review & BIG Discount =-.
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.-= Andrea H´s last blog ..Beautyfix | Review & BIG Discount =-.
I posted the giveaway on my Facebook wall (Andrea Hat…)
Sorry I don’t know how to link directly to it.
.-= Andrea H´s last blog ..Beautyfix | Review & BIG Discount =-.
I try to organize, I really do! But I always make new lists and forget about all of my other lists, and I end up not organizing anything :(
I try to stay organized with lists and I write everything down on my calendar!
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To organize my life I write lots of notes..how nice it would be to have everything all together
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I simplify my life by keeping lists of things I need to do, need to buy, etc.
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I am trying not to buy anything I don’t need.
Great prize
I carry a calendar in my purse so I can stay up with my appts.
What a great tool to keep me organized! I keep a list for everything, but I’m totally lost if those lists get misplaced (which happens!). The colors seem fun for me, but I can see how a guy wouldn’t think so. Thanks for sharing it with us and for the chance for someone to win the iPod Touch! :)
I am an email subscriber.
PS. Another thing to help keep me organized, besides just recycling the everyday items, we recycle our Wal-mart bags! I recently took back about 8 months worth of bags. Whew, what a huge load cleared from our utility room. I can now find everything else in there!
The problem is, right now I am NOT very organized. My filing systems leave a lot to be desired. The best thing I’ve done for myself is to learn how to say no. It took a long time, but it’s really very freeing!
Always put your most important priorities first! Do what needs to be done, THEN go for the fun!
I keep a family calendar to try to keep all our family activities in one easy to access place.
I do not have one. To try to organize my lifr, I am keepin (or trying to write down all my appointments, family birthdays…) in my calendar)
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I try to keep my paper mess down by shredding on a regular basis and filing those papers that need to be saved
I’ve learned that if I don’t love it in the store that there is a very high chance I won’t use/wear it at home. I’ve cut down on not only my spending but my clutter this way as well.
Lots of lists and try to go by the motto Little is more~
Calendar and appointments and it makes my life more mobile
The one thing that keeps me organized and gets things done is making list for the next day. I do it every night just before I go to bed…hey, I could do that on an iPod Touch!
.-= Some Lucky Dog´s last blog ..Art Box Giveaway at A Giveaway Addicted Mommy =-.
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.-= Some Lucky Dog´s last blog ..Art Box Giveaway at A Giveaway Addicted Mommy =-.
I organize my life by keeping a monthly planner/organizer handy for appointment and other happenings so i do not overlap with stuff to do!
I don’t have this app but it sounds quite comprehensive. I currently stay organized using a combination of lists and a calendar.
.-= valmg´s last blog ..Tropicana Juicy Rewards – Getting Half Of A Family Trip For Free =-.
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.-= valmg´s last blog ..Tropicana Juicy Rewards – Getting Half Of A Family Trip For Free =-.
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.-= valmg´s last blog ..Tropicana Juicy Rewards – Getting Half Of A Family Trip For Free =-.
i organize daily by checking a list i keep by my door before i leave of things i need to do.
I would love to have an app to simplify my life tasks. I would use this intuition app , but I don’t have Ipod phone or touch just a droid Yuk.
I will for sure be adding both to my handwritten wish list. right now….Thanks Lori
I keep a calendar of all important things to do that I check all the time.
I keep organized with my cell phone calendar. It even gives me an alarm to remind me of appointments.
I simplify and organize by taking time to relax each day.
I stay organized by using my daily calendar.
I’ve needed to get myself organized with something on the go for awhile now! With working full-time, blogging and a business…plus being a mommy and wife….there is a lot to organize! KWIM?
.-= sommer´s last blog ..A LEED in the wine industry. =-.
Tweeted the giveaway!
.-= sommer´s last blog ..A LEED in the wine industry. =-.
I make lists and use post it notes to help me remember everything. I use my outlook calendar on my cell phone so that helps too
I do not have this app but would like it. I stay organized by keeping a schedul of everything. I use outlook calendar at work to remind of guest call backs and things. I use it at home to remind me of games and parties the kids have to go to. My daughter had an iPod touch and I messed it up and feel horrible about it.
I don’t have the app. I keep all appointments, meetings, etc. on my outlook calendar wit a reminder set for the day before. I’d be lost without that reminder!
Write it down. You will get it out of your head so you can sleep!
~ I make list and use containers!
I stay organized with lists, pen and paper lists. I have lists for everything, daily to do’s a work, home to do’s, grocery shopping, etc.
i’ve taught myself to worry less about what does or does not get done around the house. tomorrow is an awesome word!
.-= jayedee´s last blog ..entry from my daybook… =-.
Tweet: http://twitter.com/racergirl1313/status/12367158786
I don’t have the app, but I keep all my appointments on my mini calendar I keep in my purse…I feel like a dinosaur, but I don’t have any fancy tech toys yet!!
I have a routine. I am a stay at home Mom, and I do the exact same thing everyday. LOL.
It does help, because everything is done by noon, and then I have the rest of the day to spend with my son. Works for us! =]
.-= shanna´s last blog ..Share Your Dirt Saturday =-.
Facebook Fan.
-Shanna A.
.-= shanna´s last blog ..Share Your Dirt Saturday =-.
i have an electronic organizer but this would be SO much better!!!
fb fan courtney bella
.-= courtney´s last blog ..Kakadu Pet Review + Giveaway =-.
I LOVE reading your blog and all the great tips that you share! Thanks so much for taking the time to share with us. Oh, by the way, I still use Post-its!!
I have the app and it helps me to remember everything I can’t!!
I’m a list keeper and carry a notebook in my purse (along with 3 pens in case one or two of them stop working). I need an electronic method of staying organized, so I can stop scribbling and throwing pieces of paper away. And the flower petal is so cute!
I used to use my ipod touch but now it is gone as it was stolen on vacation so now I use paper and a pencil
.-= Jessi @ Jabbering Jessi´s last blog ..Men’s Wearhouse $100 Gift Card Giveaway =-.
actually I do have the intuition app and I just love it. I wish I ‘d had it awhile back because it’s so helpful
.-= catherine copeland´s last blog ..Don’t Forget To Enter! =-.
I organize by tackling one area at a time so I don’t feel overwhelmed.
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I am the queen of the spreadsheet…and calendars…but an app? that makes me all warm and fuzzy!!
.-= lisa aka thebeadgirl´s last blog ..Easter…. =-.
I have been wanting an ipod touch for over a year and apps like this are one of the reasons I want one. I’m starting med school this year and organization will be even tougher with all I’ll have going on, so to have something to be able to put reminders about tasks would be a big help, even being able to make a grocery list so I don’t impulse buy, needing to be on a budget. I would so love to win this.
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I keep a sticky note pad in my purse. I also have a smartphone, and I use the calendar to make sure I am organized. It has an alarm, which goes off so many minutes before the activity to remind me. My smartphone has helped me get alot more organized, but I am certain the iPod would help alot. With two ADHD boys, I can use all the help I can get.
The only thing that I use is a list on my fridge. Not very good sometimes but it is the only thing I have right now.
I am an email subscriber…thanks for the chance
I’m a creature of habit; I still use the same day planner I have used for 20 years.
I write everything down or else I will end up forgetting it and always keep calendars handy.
.-= Lorri Jeanne´s last blog ..Wubbzy Goes Green Winner =-.
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.-= Lorri Jeanne´s last blog ..Wubbzy Goes Green Winner =-.
Since I have gotten sick I have been working harder at keeping myself organized. Lately I have been using a notebook and my phone. An ipod with this application would help me a lot. Right now I have a hard time remembering things, so it would be a great help.
.-= Not So Average Mama´s last blog ..Giving Made Simple Double Votes! =-.
I try to stay organized by making lists and jotting down important events on the calendar.
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.-= Not So Average Mama´s last blog ..Giving Made Simple Double Votes! =-.
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.-= Not So Average Mama´s last blog ..Giving Made Simple Double Votes! =-.
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I use lists to help simplify my life. If I try to remember to on my own all I have to do, I will be stressed and forget something important. But if I sit down, write a list I feel calm and know I can accomplish my goals for the day.
I tweeted http://twitter.com/romapr09/status/12380832197
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I simplify by writing notes for myself and often organizing when to do certain tasks. I am so forgetful anymore that I need a “schedule”
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.-= Melanie B´s last blog ..Freaky Friday-Social Media Trending =-.
I don’t have the app. I do simplify my life by putting a “standard” grocery list on excel. I print it off and post it in a cabinet. I just circle the items when we run out of something or circle what we need to buy–it is so much easier than writing a new list every time!
I’ve downloaded the app but I haven’t put it to use yet. THAT’S how unorganized I am right now. Thanks!
Following and tweeted contest @txterrisweeps
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I use yahoo calendar to enter all my tasks and send email reminders out for just about everything. It’s the only way not to forget stuff, plus I can access it from anywhere anytime. Have not gotten this app yet..
Best thing I ever did to get organized was buy a file cabinet and make nice labeled files for all of my papers- gas bill, cable, student loans, etc.
I don’t have the app, but I keep all my appointments on my mini calendar I keep in my purse…I feel like a dinosaur, but I don’t have any fancy tech toys yet!
Lists Lists and More Lists
I try to simply and organize my life by positive attitude, taking one day at a time, trying to be on time and keeping logs of things
tweeted, http://twitter.com/checkkers/status/12391570234
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To organize my life I make lists to follow.
i use a wall calender and write notes then forgget where i put the notes yep i need organizing help badly
I make lots of lists, and use organizing systems, such as for bills, I put them in a locked folder cabinet so I know where everything is.
.-= shanna´s last blog ..Share Your Dirt Saturday =-.
I also try to have a “one day at a time” kind of attitude. Start everyday brand new. It’s easier to set short term goals and accomplish them this way.
I am single with 2 grandbabies and work full time. I am very active in the community and have a house to take care of. So, my time is very limited. I find a weekly calendar helps me finish things up. If I have to move something that I do not finish, I note it on my monthly calendar. That way, my yard work, housework and office work is all done. Today is laundry and changing the bed!!!
I try to organize our life but I think that I end up making too many lists and they overlap and make it more difficult (wow what a run-on sentence).
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.-= S Club Mama´s last blog ..prayer request =-.
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.-= S Club Mama´s last blog ..prayer request =-.
I keep organized by keeping on top of all emails as often as I can, as well as taking care of regular mail as it comes in.
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At the present time I’m low-tech – a calendar hanging on the refrigerator. I had a Palm PDA, but it died and I have yet to replace it. Having something you can carry around with you everywhere and a apps like Intuition would be fabulous to have. Thanks for the chance to win it.
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/stowelljg/status/12396394264
I simplify by writing notes for myself and often organizing when to do certain tasks. I am so forgetful anymore that I need a “schedule”
I do not have that app but it looks great. I use my outlook calendar on my blackberry but I need to get more organized
I only have lists, need a new way to do this!
I keep my life organized by making lists of everything that needs done in a day and then try to find the time to actually accomplish those things.
My daughter would love this
I still use sticky notes sometimes, even digital sticky notes on my laptop!
Tweet: http://twitter.com/racergirl1313/status/12398250140
I also use post-it notes to keep me organized.
daily tweet http://twitter.com/Tina12312/status/12398625151
I take care of all the mail right away, I don’t let it pile up. If it’s junk I throw it out. I have a special place for bills.
I could not keep things straight without post it notes
I organize my life through sending myself email’s to remind me and setting up appointments on my phone. I could use the app in my life!
.-= Susan S´s last blog ..The best Mother-in-Law in the World =-.
I tweeted
.-= Susan S´s last blog ..The best Mother-in-Law in the World =-.
i work off of a spread sheet so i know what is going on and when i have to be somewhere so i can combine other chores with it
I use Post-It notes all the time. What a wonderful invention! I write notes to myself and put them on the bathroom mirror so I will see them first thing in the morning. It keeps me from forgetting important tasks.
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I tweeted.
I haven’t found a good system for simplifying and organizing my life. It’s all in my head, mostly. This app looks great but I don’t have an ipod. Would love to win one!
became a facebook fan
i don’t have this app (or an iphone or ipod) but to simply my life I just keep a paper calender that I carry with me.
autumn398 @ yahoo.com
Today’s tip. I also have email reminders sent to me from my phone co., electric co., etc so I don’t overlook paying a bill.
This would help a lot – keeping track our appointments, birthdays, contact info. A very useful combination.
i just keep a small pad next to my desk and list what i want to do or complete and it feels so good crossing them off
i’m an e-mail subscriber
always keep a notepad close by for the details of my life
Daily calendar!@#$!
I would love to win this as my writeing on note pads is limited for I write big, and i do mean BIG.
I have a in/out box by my door for mail and paperwork.Thanks for the chance.
I organize my life the old fashioned way with a notepad. I keep it next to my calender/appointment book so I won’t have to keep looking around for them all the time. Writing things down frees my mind for other things and I won’t forget. The app and the iPod Touch to run it on would be a giant leap forward in this process. Thanks for the chance.
I am also an email subscriber.
Daily entry—I minimize the paper pileup by sorting the mail over the recycle bin/shredder and taking care of it daily!
04-18 tip!
I oganize shelves by putting things in plastic bins. It’s like having a lot of extra drawers and you can just grab the bin you need without worrying about moving other things on the shelf. It also makes it easy if you need to carry the contents to another part of the house if you need to.
.-= Some Lucky Dog´s last blog ..Art Box Giveaway at A Giveaway Addicted Mommy =-.
I just have to try my best to remember everything. Having this sure would make things a ton easier on me. lol Thank you!
I am so unorganized it is pathetic! This would help so much, I could really use it!
fanned you on Facebook
Daily entry: I put up two paper trays on our kitchen desk: one for one daughter’s school/paper work and the other for my other daughter. Saves a huge hassle when trying to find that one thing that they need signed THAT MORNING.
.-= Creative Junkie´s last blog ..Sunday regurgitation: I’m three years in now. =-.
I stay organized by getting rid of clutter.
I simplify my life by planning my meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) once a week and then shopping from a complete list.
My tweet; http://twitter.com/HSlater351/status/12415427905
I am subscribed to your RSS feed.
I am a new FB fan.
I keep my life organized by creating a mass classwork list at the beginning of each semester. It takes a little time but in the end it helps immensly. I can see the amount of work I have for each day between all my classes and I don’t have to rifle through multiple syllabus and perhaps miss an assignment!
This would help me organize and manange my life because I have a bad habit of grabbing whatever is available to write on and jot something down on it. This leads to the info getting lost / thrown out / etc. a lot of times which is frustrating. This would give me the ability to record things in one place so as to not lose them!… Thanks for the chance to win!…
I would use it to keep track of my grocery list (which I am ALWAYS losing)
keep small lists and tick them off as you go. feel some accomplishment and feel like you’re making some headway.
I try to stay organized by writing things down when I think of them and keeping them in one place – that way I’ll know where to find them!
.-= xenia´s last blog ..{Review & Giveaway} Custom blog makeover from housenine designs. Update your look for spring! ARV $70 =-.
I write everything in my dayrunner. If I were to get an iphone or something like that, I’d probably switch over. Writing things down and making lists might be a hard habit to break!!! Thanks.
I save ice cream buckets to carrie supplies in when I am cleaning. One for water the other for the dry things like rags or cleaners.
.-= Deb M´s last blog ..Girls Pajama Party 2010 =-.
Tied to get you on twitter… new at using twitter.. what do i enter to get you?? hairy55@yahoo.com
I us zip lock bags to store every thing from paper clips to hair clips.
I keep every thing in the coat closet in containers in stead of just on the floor so I can easily pull every thing out to clean the floor of the closet.
.-= Deb M´s last blog ..Girls Pajama Party 2010 =-.
I taught my kids to do their own laundry .. now they fight over the washing machine.
i try to write down what i have to do the next day before i go to bed
I use the Google calendar, every morning I get up and that’s the first thing I check. I just downloaded this app and I am going to give it a try.
I leave a detailed note with what chores to do. Like sweep and mop the floor, othewise he just mops.
WOW — that app sounds fantastic! Right now, I use the Motivated Mom’s Daily List; it organizes household chores/tasks throughout the month. I love checking off each one throughout the day.
.-= Rachel´s last blog ..We Interrupt You From Our Regularly Schedule Programming =-.
I subscribed via Google Reader.
.-= Rachel´s last blog ..We Interrupt You From Our Regularly Schedule Programming =-.
Became a fan on Facebook! (Rachel Hamill Lacy)
.-= Rachel´s last blog ..We Interrupt You From Our Regularly Schedule Programming =-.
.-= Rachel´s last blog ..We Interrupt You From Our Regularly Schedule Programming =-.
I am a note taker! I write down just about everything so I make sure to remember!
.-= Jenna @ For The Love of Baby!´s last blog ..Thoughts & Prayers for Lacina Family *UPDATE* =-.
I try to combine trips in the car.
Still old school here. Pencil, paper and calander at the desk to organize.
I have an old fashioned organizer– a little notebook– that I use to keep track of my family’s many appointments!
I tweeted your contest via Tweetdeck! My twitter name is @CreativeJunkie
Sorry! Forgot to post the link for my Tweet: http://twitter.com/CreativeJunkie/status/12425096822
.-= Creative Junkie´s last blog ..Sunday regurgitation: I’m three years in now. =-.
.-= Andrea H´s last blog ..Beautyfix | Review & BIG Discount =-.
I think my comment was eaten? Anyway, I also updated my Facebook re your contest. Link is here: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/profile.php?id=1554571434&v=wall&story_fbid=115851761767716&ref=mf
.-= Creative Junkie´s last blog ..Sunday regurgitation: I’m three years in now. =-.
I organize my life with my palm. I don’t have the Intuition app. Maybe if I win the iTouch, it’ll be my first app.
I just became a fan on Facebook!
.-= Creative Junkie´s last blog ..Sunday regurgitation: I’m three years in now. =-.
I would use it to keep up with my childrens activities and appointments
I just subscribed to your RSS via Google Reader!
.-= Creative Junkie´s last blog ..Sunday regurgitation: I’m three years in now. =-.
Don’t have an iPhone, but what a wonderful way to keep track of errands. I always seem to lose my piece of paper with those on it.
I am the queen of lists. But I usually lose my list when I need it! This sounds like I wonderful app.
I love this. I’ve been wanting one of these so much! I’m very low-tech. I use paper to-do lists – no more than six items every day. Then I have reminders set up on my computer for everything! I really need a better solution and this one looks wonderful!
I like to think of myself as very organized so I write lots of lists and then its rewarding to be able to tick things off once they are done. I also try and sort everything out ready for work the evening before so that I don’t forget things in the morning!
Great Giveaway, THANK YOU !!! I’ve been needing one of these !!
I love list making and I keep organized with folders and notebooks and planners, oh my! My husband has an iPhone but I haven’t entered the promise land yet so this would be a fun win! :)
.-= Tasha´s last blog ..Home Tour =-.
I currently use Outlook’s calendar on my PC, but that means I have to go with the old ‘handwritten list’ method when I go out to run errands, and hope that I don’t lose my list! And, then I have to make notes on that list of other things I want to do, things I missed…. and transfer those to outlook when I get home! What a pain! This would be a perfect solution!
lists, lists and more lists, I do a new one every day and try to get things done in order.
I use sticky notes to keep myself organized.
gosh – simple and organized – not! I still keep a handwritten small datebook that I keep in my purse that is my bible. Without that and post-it notes the kids, hubby and I would be lost.
tvollowitz at aol dot com
I make lists, lots and lots of lists but never have the darn things when I get to the store.But it seems that writing them down helps me remember almost everything I need to purchase. I cold use something to hep me be more organized because a lot of people depend on me.
Email subscribed.
Facebook Fan of A Cowboy’s Wife .
My wife simplifies my life.
i was lucky enough to find a two drawer filing cabinet from freecycle and it has been an immense help in organising my things. i am REALLY bad with papers and documents but i have no trouble organising anything else! now i’ve set up sliding file folders in the cabinet for my bills and work documents, house docs, family papers, etc. no more paper strewn around the house and that nightmare is gone! :)
I dont have the app, but I keep all my appointments on my mini calendar I keep in my purse…I feel like a dinosaur, but I don’t have any fancy tech toys yet!!
good luk to everyone
my outlook calendar helps!
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/stowelljg/status/12449706182
I use lots of Post-It Notes to keep organized. Thanks!
make lists
Don’t have the Iphone or the app, but one way we keep organized is to coordinate schedules at the beginning of the week so we know who is doing what, who needs rides, who can best handle whatever we have going on.
.-= dddiva´s last blog ..Thomas & Friends Play Date @ Toys R Us =-.
I also have a calendar in my kitchen, where I write everything down, from GROCERY SHOPPING TODAY, Appointments, anything, it helps to make sure i dont forget anything
.-= shanna´s last blog ..Share Your Dirt Saturday =-.
My husband and I have a weekly meeting where we discuss the events of the upcoming week.
I could use something to keep it all together. I usually have several lists and a couple different calendars and never seem to put it all in one place.
I use the calender feature on my Palm (3 years old now and looks it) to keep my birthdays, practice and game schedules, doctors appointments, school events and even hubby’s PD (payday) and call schedules all in order and I even set reminders before the event to remind me (so I do not forget anything). I also use a dry erase calender on the frig to post the month’s calender and schedule of events for everyone to use (kids and hubby can add events too). Then there is a seperate dry erase board for the grocery list also on the frig of course I still have to transfer it to paper to take it shopping.
I try to sort and deal with the mail right away. Keeps down on mail clutter and keeps us form missing bills because they a re stuck in the mail pile.
It’s a no-brainer, but I make sure everything is in its place. Space organization makes everything easy to find (always keep keys in that specific handbag pocket, for example).
I’m a facebook fan (Marta Duarte).
Shared on facebook (Marta Duarte).
daily tweet http://twitter.com/Tina12312/status/12456576607
Subscribed to your newsletter (very.good.grains@gmail.com).
I simplify my life by making bulk shopping purchases whether it is for food or clothes for the kids, I try to make large purchases at once so I am not out and about excessively.
I haven’t found a good system for simplifying and organizing my life. It’s all in my head, mostly. This app looks great but I don’t have an ipod. Would love to win one!
I make lists of what I need to do for the day-otherwise I’d be lost.
make a list
Tweeted again. :)
.-= Rachel´s last blog ..We Interrupt You From Our Regularly Schedule Programming =-.
i simplify my life but having an electronic organizer
.-= courtney´s last blog ..Kakadu Pet Review + Giveaway =-.
So far I’ve used my calender and my brain to organize. It usually works, but I wouldn’t refuse a little help.
Daily entry: I admit, I’m still living in the dark ages – no electronic calendars for me yet. I have an old fashioned calendar on top of my fridge and we write everything down on it. It’s not high tech but honestly, it works for us. Everyone has access to it and everyone knows that if it’s not written down on the calendar, it’s not happening. We all know at a glance where everyone is at and when we can schedule something new.
.-= Creative Junkie´s last blog ..It’s too pretty to eat. Unless you’re starving. =-.
Hey! This looks great. I already use a to-do app on my iPhone, but this one looks better. I’m going to check it out. I’d enter your give-away, but I already have an iPhone and an iPod Touch!
.-= Leigh´s last blog ..Manic Monday =-.
Hello…. I have a mail basket that all the new mail is put into. Used only for mail
.-= Deb M´s last blog ..Girls Pajama Party 2010 =-.
Lunch for the guys while in the fields.. one of supplies the sandwiches the other supplies chips, fruit or cookies.
.-= Deb M´s last blog ..Girls Pajama Party 2010 =-.
My husband just got an iPhone so I’ll definitely check out the Intuition app! It looks like it could help both of us!
I try to alway write down telephone numbers in my appointment book of people who call … especial cell numbers because so many people have dropped there land lines.
.-= Deb M´s last blog ..Girls Pajama Party 2010 =-.
I tweeted http://twitter.com/Table4Five/status/12463008615
I’m your fan on Facebook!
.-= Elizabeth´s last blog ..Secrets of the Mountain Sneak Peek and Giveaway =-.
I simplify my life by deleting spam the minute it comes into my mailbox. Too much to do with real stuff to have time to actually READ the spam!
.-= Owen´s last blog ..Third Thursday — April 2010 — Social Media Club =-.
I still use a plain old calendar on the refrigerator for keeping track of appointments etc. I’ve tried several computer calendars but can’t seem to keep up with them. Maybe someday…..
I jot everything down on my desk calendar.
It’s not only simplifiying, but very freeing to learn to say “No” when you don’t have time or the energy to do something!!
emvark at gmail dot com
For staying organized, I try to keep everything written down on the calendar. I also keep my daycare kids’ schedules in my cell phone. So when asked I can refer to it!
I keep a roll of new garbage bags in the bottom of each can so I can easily and quickly remove a full bag and replace it.
I Became a fan on Facebook!
I do have this app on my Ipod Touch but unfortunately I haven’t used it that much, I use Grocery IQ for my shopping list and I use the calendar app for scheduling. It WOULD be nice to have it all in one place!
My tip is no to overschedule myself, I have to have me time or I’m useless!!
.-= Margaret´s last blog ..Black History Month is over… =-.
I follow you on google reader.
Shared on facebook Margaret Jeffcoat Rogers
.-= Margaret´s last blog ..Black History Month is over… =-.
On a note pad, kinda works
I use my calander on the fridge
Dry erase board and calender. But not the handiest, cuz I can’t carry them in my purse! ;)
.-= Tana´s last blog ..Budget Cuts to Extension & Research Stations =-.
My note pad just isn’t long enough for my large writing. Sure would like to win.
I am starting to use technology such as this to keep everything in one place and at hand for simplicity. With the right apps, one can do just about everything! Thanks for this chance to win your giveaway….
I try to simplify my life by writing important dates on the dry erase board
.-= Miranda Allen´s last blog ..Im now Mommy PR Approved !! =-.
I put everything in iCal on my Mac. I also email myself so it is a constant reminder for me to do something!
I try to simplify my life by planning a weekly menu. Then, I can plan my grocery trip to make sure I have everything I need.
Facebook fan!
.-= cher´s last blog ..Horizon Organic Lowfat Chocolate Milk Plus DHA Omega-3 Review & Giveaway — 3 Winners (Ends 5/5) =-.
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/TxTerriSweeps/status/12472484609
I use Google Calendar for everything. I like that I have a little calendar list on my Gmail page too. Oh and I have a notification thing right in my Chrome browser window. Can you tell that I’m a Google fan? :]
I use Microsoft Sticky Notes to remind me of everything. I simply delete them when I have accomplished something. Love deleting them!
smchester at gmail dot com
.-= Susan C´s last blog ..Tax Day =-.
Tweeted :] http://twitter.com/klewald
Subscribed with Google Reader :]
And I’m now a Facebook fan!
I didn’t see a fan button, but I saw a “like” button which I pressed. Is that the same thing? I like you anyhows!
smchester at gmail dot com
.-= Susan C´s last blog ..Tax Day =-.
i always put my scheduale into my phone so i can be organized.
I keep organized by using a calender with large spaces to write and stickers for each kid. I know at a quick glance if we have something on board for that day.
i never leave home without my list and a plan my travels so i don’t drive all over the place
One thing we do is “plan” for errands (library, post office, drycleaners, grocery) so we get all those tasks accomplished with just one trip.
I try to simplify my life by not overdoing it! There’s only one of me and so many hours in the day, so sometimes you just have to say no!
.-= xenia´s last blog ..{Review & Giveaway} Custom blog makeover from housenine designs. Update your look for spring! ARV $70 =-.
I keep a notepad at my desk and go over it one last time before bedtime.
I don’t over schedule my day
rhondastruthers at yahoo dot ca
I subscribe by google reader
rhondastruthers at yahoo dot ca
I’m a subber… thanks for the great prize !!
Daily entry–I’m a list maker—grocery list, errands list, etc. This helps keep my family life organized!
Do a little bit everyday of big tasks
We keep a “Honey-do” list in the kitchen to keep track of the big chores that need to be done.
communication is the key–no suprises, no stress!
I have container for summer hats and garden gloves and a separate one for winter hats and gloves.
.-= Deb M´s last blog ..Sylvan Springs Tour .. Healing Spa .. RomeCity, Indiana =-.
I do housework last.
I try to keep to a schedule.
everything is written down on my kitchen calander or on a wipeable white board on the front door
I don’t have the app, but I keep all my appointments on my mini calendar I keep in my purse….I feel like a dinosaur, but I don’t have any fancy tech toys yet!!
I do keep a regular calendar with important info and dates on it, just in case
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/stowelljg/status/12510363594
Post it notes work best for me reminding me of all important dates and appointments
I use the MyAgenda from MomAgenda, that really helps me. But I love the idea of this ap – that I can access it on the go without bringing a heavy agenda book with me.
.-= Katie @ goodLife {eats}´s last blog ..Mother’s Day Gift Guide: The Health Conscious Mom =-.
I have a Moto Cliq So I use the calendar on it to remind me of everything that has to be done. I would love an iPod Touch though!
Daily entry: I stuck a list onto the door leading to our garage door and on it, I have listed what my youngest daughter needs to bring to school every day (ie, violin, gym clothes, art smock, etc.). This way, she sees the list every single time she leaves to go to the bus and she can do a quick check to make sure she’s got what she needs.
This has been a huge time-saver in that I no longer have to run up to the school and drop off whatever she forgot to bring.
.-= Creative Junkie´s last blog ..It’s too pretty to eat. Unless you’re starving. =-.
We have a chalk board in our kitchen and I use that to keep track of to do’s on busy weeks, or chores on normal weeks.
My best tip for keeping my life organized is being consistent with my calendar. It sure would be easier with the iPod touch!
.-= Christi {Jealous Hands}´s last blog ..hold the phone – I’m actually posting something =-.
My husband and I share a google calendar to keep the family organized.
I would love to win this
In our home office we use a dry erase board to keep track of bids and proposals and their expiration date.
No Intuition App
Another daily tip of mine is to keep my child on a schedule. It makes the days so much easier.
Morning, he eats, and watches cartoons, I clean, shower, do laundry, etc.
I haven’t found a good system for simplifying and organizing my life. It’s all in my head, mostly. This app looks great but I don’t have an ipod. Would love to win one! (daily entry)
I keep a huge dry erase marker calender on the fridge and mark my sons homeowrk, tests and projects. He is in 2nd grade and has tons of stuff for his private school. It helps us and him know what is coming up!
I have you listed as one of favorites on my blog. I have a small note book beside the desk to keep pass words in.
.-= Deb M´s last blog ..Sylvan Springs Tour .. Healing Spa .. RomeCity, Indiana =-.
daily tweet http://twitter.com/Tina12312/status/12516388628
To organize, I often write reminder notes in my cellphone’s notepad.
keep my list in my purse always
I keep a small notebook to jot everything down so I don’t forget or overbook.
.-= dddiva´s last blog ..Thomas & Friends Play Date @ Toys R Us =-.
we print out a weekly schedule of practices,events & appointments
I used lots and lots of post-it notes… everywhere!
Post-It Notes. Enough Said.
I am a teacher and have endless supplies of sticky notes. For me my organization at home is in need of drastic improvement. I currently write down whatever is major and stick it to the navigation system in my expedition. LOL
This would be great….
My daily planner is our go-to guy!! I am continually updating it’s info and making sure I never leave home without it! In addition to my planner I am forever making lists and notes of upcoming events, appts. and things to do! As a single dad with two little boys I have to be diligent in my planning and keeping up with all of our activities!
I follow via email…thanks so much for the chance to win a great prize!!
Outlook is my life planner…I have to use it for work so I just add personal events as well. Not the most effective but I’ll get by until the job requires a change!
As I work around the house, I keep a running list of things I need to go back and do that way I don’t have to keept reminding myself something needs to be done or something you do rarely, like wash the exterior side of windows, doesn’t continually get overlooked.
I’m a big list maker. Lately, though, things have gotten so hectic that I need to leave myself reminders to look at my lists! LOL
.-= Misty Dawn´s last blog ..Hey PW… You Ever Had a Sink Full of Em??? =-.
I already subscribe via RSS
pcsbymisty [at] gmail [dot] com
.-= Misty Dawn´s last blog ..Hey PW… You Ever Had a Sink Full of Em??? =-.
I’m a fan on Facebook (Misty Dawn)
.-= Misty Dawn´s last blog ..Hey PW… You Ever Had a Sink Full of Em??? =-.
I tweeted
.-= Misty Dawn´s last blog ..Hey PW… You Ever Had a Sink Full of Em??? =-.
Organize with color coded bins for the garage, sporting items in one, tools in one, gardening in one and so on.
Daily entry: Help I need organization. I really need this app. I make list , but I leave them behind always, I am like you and keep my phone and laptop with me always I think I would love the i pod touch and this app.
Ps I am a fan Ollie
I have lots of to-do lists. I’d have alot of fun using the apps!
I have a computer-based calendar that is pretty good at helping me keep the days straight. I would not say I’m super organized, but we get by.
Simple things like making sure I have an extra TV remote – just for me – for the times when my kids misplace it. Having more than one garabage sack in the garbage can so that I don’t always have to put one in. We have become more spontaneous instead of making plans only to have something interfere.
I just use a plain old notepad or notebook.
I use google documents. Easy access from anywhere!
Well…my wife keeps me organized, does that count? Outside of that I would be lost!
I am old fashioned. I have to write things down on paper and carry it with me. I did just start online bill pay through my bank, which helps me save time and money though!
I didn’t see a fan link on your facebook page, however I clicked teh like tab!
I posted a link to this giveaway on my facebook page and tagged A Cowboys Wife! Thanks!
Posted a link on my facebook site and tagged A Cowboy’s Wife. Thank you!
Became a facebook fan / clicked the like link. Thanks!
I would love to win this as I hate writing because I write so big,and after it gets cold I can’t read what I have written anyway.
I try to get through my “to file” folder in a timely manner
I simplify it by keeping lots of lists and post-its.
I have a white dry erase board on the front door that I jot notes on
I save all my errands for one day a week – I don’t know if that simplifies anything, but it gives me more free time!
I use calendars and to-do lists to keep me organized
.-= Stefanie´s last blog ..Spring Cleaning with Seventh Generation — Giveaway =-.
If I need to remember it, it goes on my iphone. I have various apps I use for lists depending on the type and am constantly setting reminders in the calendar app.
.-= dee´s last blog ..A Girl and Her Cat =-.
Wonderful giveaway! I stay organized using my BusyBodyBook planner. Love it and the grid system but could put this app to good use too!
.-= Christy Cross´s last blog ..Grateful =-.
I’m a Facebook Fan (er, Liker?) ;)
Christy Burgins Cross on FB
Subscribe by email!
Tweet, tweet!
.-= Christy Cross´s last blog ..Grateful =-.
Looks like a great tool.
I am always changing the software I use for organizing projects and plans but my single biggest organizing tools are the 2 moleskins I carry with me everywhere. I keep one for jotting ideas as they come to me – no electronic version gives me the same satisfaction as putting pen to paper. My second moleskin is for my daily Top 5-6 list. Because my project lists are so long, I find it easier to focus on 5-6 items per day and whatever I don’t complete gets done first on the next day.
Honestly I rely on my memory most of the time, which isn’t a very good way for me to be organized. I would love to win!
I combine trips and make a shopping list.
Write everything down on post-its or sometimes my hand, hehe. I still forget things often ): so this would be really useful.
Just subscribed!! :)
Ok, now I’m a fb fan too ;)
I try to organize my life by keeping all appointments and dates written on the calendar on the fridge. Then every time I’m in the kitchen I see what’s coming up!
.-= xenia´s last blog ..{Review & Giveaway} Custom blog makeover from housenine designs. Update your look for spring! ARV $70 =-.
I stay organized by using a plain old-fashioned calendar!
record my grocery list on my phone.. embarrassing in the store when every on can hear my phone saying… milk… toilet paper… tampons.. lol
you are on my blog..
.-= Deb M´s last blog ..Sylvan Springs Tour .. Healing Spa .. RomeCity, Indiana =-.
I simplify my life by keeping lists…it’s the only way I keep organized! I don’t have any apps yet because I don’t own a touch yet…but hopefully soon! THANKS!
I stay organized by using post-it notes excessivley. It’s not the greatest system, but I make it work.
My Palm help me stay organized.
Lists and post its… I also use a dry-erase board !!
thanks for the great prize
I do rely a lot on my memory, but am getting better about keeping things on a ‘master’ calendar
I don’t have the app.
Yet, i try to manage work,school,volunteering and visiting relatives
with a white board/wall calender. It’s always hard to keep track though!
Subscribed to the RSS feed.
I don’t have an ipod yet – I had an old one that died and this is convincing me I really need one :) I use http://www.cozi.com to sync my work calendar/home calendar and I love it but unless you have something mobile it doesn’t do you any good when you are out and about. I would LOVE to win this. :) Great Giveaway.
Facebook Fan
name:Erin Mize
e-mail subscriber!
I don’t have an ipod. hubby was drooling all over these though(gotta have the latest gadgetry). As far as organizing and simplifying I have dry erase boards and note pads posted in my kitchen. I have business card file in my purse with all my shoppers cards and insurance cards and info and that’s the best I’ve got so far.
I use Google calendar to send me reminders on major events, and share certain appointments with my family so that they can see at any given time what I have on my plate and we can all coordinate our schedules.
My Ipod committed suicide on my way back up to school (4 hour car ride). I was forced to listen to the local am radio stations the entire way up. Please i need a new ipod so that i can get my life/music in order
We stay organized by loads upon load of calendars! I always carry my own calendar with built in planner, as does my husband. When the kiddo or us has doctor appointments, meetings, work stuff, activies, etc. planned it’s written on our mega dry erase board and in our planners! And as for coupons? We use an expandable file folder. Having an iAnything would tootally simplify our lives! Thanks!
I don’t have the app, but I keep all my appointments on my mini calendar I keep in my purse…..I feel like a dinosaur, but I don’t have any fancy tech toys yet!!
I’m not sure how I’m gonna come up with an organization tip a day.Here’s Day 2 though. One of the ways I get things accomplished is delegation. Now that my kids are older each household member has a daily chore area in addition to their own space. The common space of the living room is kept clean by all.
Age is getting my memory so just writing it down on a calendar
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/stowelljg/status/12570076998
Another way we stay organized is to have a place for everything.
.-= dddiva´s last blog ..Thomas & Friends Play Date @ Toys R Us =-.
I make lists! Lots and lots of lists!
Large Desk Calender.
daily tweet http://twitter.com/Tina12312/status/12574813465
thank you!
For work items I try to actione emails as soon as they come in so that I don’t have a bunch of unread emails in my inbox. If it needs action later I red flag it for follow up, otherwise I reply, delete or file ASAP.
We get all of our bills electronically now to cut down on our paper around the house. And now every night we go through all of the papers that came into the house – from the mail, school, where ever – can either recycle or act on it immediately. We don’t let stuff pile up any more! It’s amazing how it helps cut down on clutter and is theraputic!!
I just ‘faned’ you in fb, too! :)
I try to sort out everything in my life by writing it down, either on a calender or on a piece of paper in my notebook. I have to try and balance work, college, family. It is easier managing it with writing everything down or else it would be very hectic.
I need this
Daily entry: We have an organizer that is right above our phone, right next to our calendar. One section has bills to be paid, the other has bills to be filed. Our keys hang from the bottom of it. Love it, as it keeps us pretty well organized.
.-= Creative Junkie´s last blog ..Next time we’ll drive three miles to PetSmart and shell out $20 =-.
Try to keep an appointment book, a calender and phone book always near by to keep organized
I sometimes organize with digital sticky notes on my computer desktop.
Breakfast for dinner. Pancakes or eggs and toast is such an easy way to make dinner less stressful.
Daily entry: :) would love to win thisss
i organize my life by taking notes
.-= courtney´s last blog ..Elizabeth Grant Review + Giveaway =-.
I use apps on my iPhone all the time. The calender is priceless. And I make lists using the Notes app. I will definitely check this app out because it seems like it would organize everything in one place.
Thanks for hosting a great giveaway.
.-= Leighann of Multi-Minding Mom´s last blog ..Super Hero =-.
Shared on Facebook.
.-= Leighann of Multi-Minding Mom´s last blog ..Super Hero =-.
I subscribe to your RSS feed (have for a while!).
.-= Leighann of Multi-Minding Mom´s last blog ..Super Hero =-.
Became a fan on Facebook.
Tweet http://twitter.com/kamilulu/status/12584258909
I haven’t found a good system for simplifying and organizing my life. It’s all in my head, mostly. This app looks great but I don’t have an ipod. Would love to win one! (4/21)
I have a stay sock bag in the laundry room to keep those unmatched socks once in a while the match shows up. hairy55@yahoo.com became a face book fan..
.-= Deb M´s last blog ..Sylvan Springs Tour .. Healing Spa .. RomeCity, Indiana =-.
Love to have this.
i organize everything using stuff from the container store
I’d love to win!
Please let me win…
would be a nice upgrade
sign me up. Thank You
must do’s are written on a board by the front door
One way I try to simplify is by carpooling with other mothers to drop off and pick up our children from their activities.
Became a fan on facebook.
I get organized by using post it notes and different colored markers to indicate which things are more important to do. Less hassle than using a day by day calendar in my opinion.
Always writing stuff down on a notepad or into my phone. If I don’t I can’t remember anything. :)
I signed up with facebook but could not get it to work on my home page… huh.hhh.. any who… i save invitations in a separate box. Put the date of the event on the out side of the envelope. It is not removed from the box until the event has passed.
deb… hairy55@yahoo.com
.-= Deb M´s last blog ..Sylvan Springs Tour .. Healing Spa .. RomeCity, Indiana =-.
when my grandkids come to stay I have them put their things in a cloths basket beside the door so we don’t have every thing all over the house when its time to go.
.-= Deb M´s last blog ..Sylvan Springs Tour .. Healing Spa .. RomeCity, Indiana =-.
I have neither Facebook nor Twitter. That’s how I try to simplify my Internet browsing.
Make a list! That helps to organize your life! Thanks for this giveaway!
Ugh. I seriously struggle to stay organized. I have everything…EVERYTHING…on my Google Calendar. But I don’t have a Smart phone or any i-pod/touch/whatever. So once I leave the house I have NO CLUE what is going on with our schedule. I kind of miss the old days of toting around my big planner. At least I always knew what was going on!!!!
I ask for help when I need it & my husband & I truly work as a team, so two heads are better than one. We help each other stay organized & on top of things. It really does make things easier when someone has your back.
I subscribe via email.
I use several lists to keep my family organized. My lists track regular chores and major projects. I have a grocery list and menu items lists. I’d love to give up on all the paper, but I don’t feel tech savvy enough.
Great app because my iPhone is always in my pocket and it helps me keep organized.
I make notes and lists, chores, for shopping, etc.
It would simplify my life by not having to buy packages of post-it notes!
My desk is full of them! LOL
.-= Bonny Sallee´s last blog ..Video – Impact of Coconut Oil on Blood Sugar and Diabetes =-.
I stumbled – bonmay
I shared on facebook.
I subscribed via email – bonmay@live.com
I became a fan on facebook.
Bonny Sallee
facebook id=1466032021
I stay organized by keeping notes and lists on scraps of paper or post-it notes until I can enter them into my palm organizer.
I make a daily plan.
I make lists and try to stick to them.
I use google tasks in gmail.
I use sticky notes.
I love being organized! It’s my forte! I love have everything in labeled boxes, I’d even go as far as to say that my label maker is my best friend!! :) Anyway, I keep a strict organizer and I also try to make many different schedules. I just downloaded the Intuition app and I already love it, it’s so me! I love the grocery shopping list and I love being able to share it.
I’m following on Twitter and Facebook! Thanks! ;)
I try to simplify by keeping a magnetic notepad on the fridge, that way no matter what pops into my mind, I know there’s a place to write it down!
I also retweet on Twitter, sorry to clog posts!
I use the pop up reminder on my computer.
I try to start each day with a list and follow it when at all possible. It keeps things organized and helps me to feel accomplished each day.
.-= megan H´s last blog ..Seventh Generation natural cleaning GIVEAWAY! =-.
I use apps on my Palm Pixi Plus..calendar, memos, my lists, shopping list, etc.
even small tasks don’t get forgotten if you keep track of them!
i’d use the touch (if i win) to organize my life, right now i’m a mess
Every time I get a new email, I handle it and archive or delete it. If I cannot handle it right away it stays in my inbox. I try to keep my inbox down to 10 or so entries, and the unhandled emails become a de facto to do list.
I don’t have the app, but I keep all my appointments on my mini calendar I keep in my purse …I feel like a dinosaur, but I don’t have any fancy tech toys yet!!
i use the touch
I have to write everyting down
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/stowelljg/status/12632392182
I keep myself organized with handwritten lists. Guess I need to join the modern world!
I simplified by paring down- if we don’t love it or use it regularly we donate
.-= dddiva´s last blog ..Thomas & Friends Play Date @ Toys R Us =-.
I put our bills in a sorter so that we don’t miss a payment b/c the bill was missing.
Downloading the app for my wife to use also
I try to stay organized with lists
Lists. Lots of Lists.
i make a list
I haven’t found a good system for simplifying and organizing my life. It’s all in my head, mostly. This app looks great but I don’t have an ipod. Would love to win one! (4/22)
I use a small calendar/day planner to keep track of things. But it has no space for tasks/errands/calls, so I often forget about that stuff. This app sounds perfect!
I organize on my cellphone sometimes and even set alarms that way too.
I am a big list maker and I try and prepare the night before so the mornings aren’t so crazy.
Sticky note and my Daily planner help me out two fold during my daily life, also i love to make things i have to do my desktop backround on my computer so i will always see it!
I organize my life by making lists, lists and more lists:)
I respond to all snail mail immediately. If it’s a bill, I pay it immediately. If it’s an invitation to a wedding, I reply and mark my calendar immediately, etc.
My tweet: http://twitter.com/njhhb/statuses/12642134107
With an Autistic son, I have to keep things very routine, SO I try to do my chores everyday, I just cut down and space them out. It works for me and helps me be able to keep a routine for my son!
I use Intuition on my iphone!! I love it
I Subscribe to A Cowboy’s Wife by RSS Reader.
.-= jen´s last blog ..Babyliss Pro Ceramic Curling Iron Review & Giveaway =-.
I am a fan on facebook!
.-= jen´s last blog ..Babyliss Pro Ceramic Curling Iron Review & Giveaway =-.
daily tweet http://twitter.com/Tina12312/status/12643726102
I am in LOVE with my iPod touch…my whole life is on it! Unfortunately, I dropped it on the kitchen floor yesterday and shattered the screen! :( I am completely and utterly lost without it. The ZipList app for your grocery list is awesome…I highly recommend that one.
I just can’t get organized.Need help in the worst way, maybe an Ipod would be the way to go.
i organize through charts on my computer.
I use a schedule book for everything..
.-= Deb M´s last blog ..Sylvan Springs Tour .. Healing Spa .. RomeCity, Indiana =-.
Daily entry :) really want this
i use it for my email
I have my firefox set up where I can access allof my organizational tools.
I carry a shopping list at all time to stay on track and not miss something during my errands.
I use evernote to keep myself organized.
Daily entry: I finally re-did our laundry room and I got rid of the cabinets that I couldn’t reach and thus just flung stuff into so they ultimately became a chaotic mess. I have pretty baskets that hold all my laundry and cleaning supplies and my laundry room looks 100% better (without the laundry in it)
.-= Creative Junkie´s last blog ..Next time we’ll drive three miles to PetSmart and shell out $20 =-.
I have to write things down on a notepad nowadays so I won’t forget
don’t use the app yet but hope to soon. I use the tickler file method. very effective still.
I keep organized by using lots and lots of Post-it notes!
My daughter puts her initials on her socks.
.-= Deb M´s last blog ..Sylvan Springs Tour .. Healing Spa .. RomeCity, Indiana =-.
I organize my life by writing all of my notes and schedule onto my day to day Garfield desk calendar!
I’m clearing out the clutter and it is making life so much easier.
I use my phone calendar to organize life
Tweeted giveaway, Love to win this item :)
.-= Andrew s.´s last blog ..Earth Creations Giveaway: Sustainable Outdoor Clothing =-.
I keep the bills to pay on my refergrator door so I don’t forget
We stay organized by letting my wife (who is a CPA) just do bookkeeping for a few clients from home. Money is not as important as quality of life for kids.
Thanks for the contest, I’d LOVE to win! To help keep myself organized I have switched to online bill paying through my bank. I love it! I can schedule payments for various dates during the month and then I can forget them! They will pay as needed; some are set up to pay automatically each month. Quick, easy and no stamps required! (Guess that’s why the post office is struggling financially!)
I’ve been a Twitter follower for about a year & will tweet about this shortly!
Also, I just joined your Facebook page! Thanks again!!
Signed up for e-mail blog updates.
The iPod allows me to keep my tasks in outlook synced up. Its a real lifesaver!
One of my best tips would be to use a calendar like iCal plus a physical calendar, syncing both of those together plus syncing it with your iPhone or whatever. Also, iCal allows you to create separate calendars for home, work, blog, etc. and lets you select which ones to show in iCal. It works beautifully!
great giveaway.. thank you !!
I don’t have the app, but frozen organic veggies simplify my life, all the nutrients, none of the work.
I simply life by going vertical….like stacked letter trays on my desk to sort mail, papers, and magazines…tall bookcases to hold lots of books and photos….tiered baskets on the kitchen counter for fruits and snacks….
.-= Some Lucky Dog´s last blog ..Win Bakugan Battle Trainer for Nintendo DS at Bookroom Reviews =-.
If I had good tips then I wouldn’t need this. LOL. One tip I have is to always go through your mail everyday and sort it by how soon you need to deal with the item.
A thing that I have started to do that really helps simplify my life is that I make some of the meals for the week on Sunday, this helps save time during the week. I do not have the app, thanks for the chance!
I try to stay organized by not leaving too many things unfinished at the end of the day. By wrapping up loose ends, the next day can start fresh again!
One thing I do to keep organized (since I tend to be forgetful) is set audio alarms to go along with my iCal appointments.
I keep my shopping list in my planner along with my coupon organizer…if it’s on my way home or to pick up the kids I can stop, shop and save!!
When all my other tips I’ve listed fail, I resort to telling my husband or my kids to remember things for me. It’s not foolproof, but it helps!
i have a special organizer on my computer
.-= courtney´s last blog ..Elizabeth Grant Review + Giveaway =-.
I simplify by purposely not doing too many things at once.
I tell every one not to call me before 8:30 in the morning.. that is my time. i make some sort of goal for the day..
.-= Deb M´s last blog ..Sylvan Springs Tour .. Healing Spa .. RomeCity, Indiana =-.
We simplify our lives by each having a agenda book.
It helps each of us by letting the other know where everyone has to be each day and what everyones schedules are.
That way no one for gets their lessons,sports or essays that are due.
Thank you so much for the chance to win.
I am subscribed via email as jweezie43[at]aol[dot]com.
I am a fan via Facebook as Jill Myrick.
I don’t have the app, but I keep all my appointments on my mini calendar I keep in my purse…I feel like a dinosaur, but I don’t have any fancy tech toys yet!!!
will be nice to use on trps thanks
U need to make paper lists have notechnology at my house to do otherwise
I also like to make goals for the day and not leave the office until done
I don’t have the app but will check it out! I grow my own vegetables! Love fresh veggies in the summer!! I know what they are grown with and that they are organic!
We get as much ready the night before as we can- definitely helps us stay organized.
.-= dddiva´s last blog ..Thomas & Friends Play Date @ Toys R Us =-.
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/stowelljg/status/12696066721
to me to keep simple is to keep structured and organized
Daily entry: this isn’t a huge tip, but it has saved us many times … we keep my daughter’s karate sparring gear in the trunk of the car. We used to bring it in the house but the number of times she’d forget to bring it with her to karate was getting ridiculous so now, we just keep it in the trunk and we don’t wind up racing home 5 minutes before class to go find it.
.-= Creative Junkie´s last blog ..It’s Sixteen Candles! Except that her parents remembered. And she kept her panties. =-.
For my work inbox I use the red flags to keep track of my to do’s.
I’m so ridiculously behind the times. I use handwritten lists to organize my family! Thanks.
I simplify life by having an inbox on our kitchen desk for each family member!
Learn to say “No!”
I now subscribe to A Cowboy’s Wife via email!
I am now a facebook fan of A Cowboy’s Wife!
I do not have the app, but I simplify my life by making a pre-printed standard grocery list. This way, I do not have to generate a new one ever time I go to the store. I just review the pre-printed one and circle the items that we are out of.
i MAKE DAILY goals of things I want to get done.
I do as much as possible before going to bed. I make a list of what tomorrow will bring so that I can be ready.
I use my blackberry to sync all of my calendars
tweeted :) http://twitter.com/ohserendipity
I stay organized by writing everything down on our family calendar!
.-= Jenny´s last blog ..Free Folded Mother’s Day Photo Card from PhotoWorks =-.
i simplify my life by everything at is own time.i do not rush things.
I keep a working calendar next to my desk. It tracks appointments, notes, sales and todo thnigs.
daily tweet http://twitter.com/Tina12312/status/12707352555
I haven’t found a good system for simplifying and organizing my life. It’s all in my head, mostly. This app looks great but I don’t have an ipod. Would love to win one! 4/23
I carry a coupon organizer when I shop.