Teachers love this time of year, parents dread it. Yep, school is out for the Summer. It doesn’t have to be boring though and I’ll be sharing some fun kid activities that you can do with your kiddo this Summer! First on the list, BUBBLES!
I’m sure you’ve seen these bubble filling stations all over pinterest and of course, I had to do it for Truett! I searched high and low for bubbles recipes and found one that works great! (recipe below)
We also decided to just make our own ‘blow sticks’ using the fuzzy sticks. We made circles and starts but you can make them into any shape. I twisted two fuzzy sticks to make it stronger. You can also take a water bottle and cut the opposite end off from the open end. This makes GREAT bubbles!! Even my husband had a blast letting the wind do the blowing for him. Truett jumped on the trampoline while dad played with the bubbles.
Truett had a blast blowing the bubbles. He laughed and laughed at how big these bubbles got. Whether your two, six, or fourty-two, bubbles are for everyone and guarantee hours of fun!
- 12 cups of water
- 1 cup of Dawn dish soap
- 1 cup cornstarch
- 2 tablespoons of baking powder (NOT soda)
- Place ingredients in clean bowl or bucket; stir gently, not creating any bubbles.
- Let sit for one hour before using.
I bought the plastic container from Walmart for $5 bucks. They had nicer ones but they were $10 and we decided that it wasn’t worth the extra cost. We printed up the word ‘BUBBLES’ and some circles and just cut them out and taped them to the plastic container. Truett thought it was the coolest ever! He loved being able to get his own solution, never running out of bubbles!
I’ll be sharing more throughout the next few weeks but I’d love to hear your summer kid activity ideas! Happy Summer!
My best friend is a school teacher — she’s not real keen on computers
except in the classroom, but since I am, and since I love your site,
I collect ideas for her to use with her children. This bubble maker
is wonderful — thank you so much for sharing.
Nadene in WV
Hi Lori,
I just wanted to let you know I linked up your DIY Bubble Solution in my 2013 Summer Bucket List. My kids are going to love this. Thanks for sharing.