I remember when my father-in-law used to come in for lunch and bring my mother-in-law a bouquet of fresh flowers that he had picked off of the side of the roads. He did that several times a week. He still cuts fresh flowers for her even though she’s been gone for a few years now. I also remember when *my* cowboy started doing that after seeing his dad do it. I loved it. I felt special because he had taken the time to stop to pick them and there’s nothing like having fresh flowers around your house to liven it up. Sadly, he doesn’t do that anymore and sadly, I don’t get flowers for Mother’s Day. I’m always envious of my sister-in-law who gets beautiful flowers for Mother’s Day which is always during the Western Heritage. Her man and their daughter bring them to her in front of us all…to rub it in of course;)
I’ve never made a bouquet but I have to say, it was probably one of the most fun “crafting” experiences I’ve had next to quilting. I found that I was able to play around with the flowers a bit and every single time I adjusted something, I had a completely new look. It was so much fun and my little man was able to help me, giving it a true mother’s day experience.
I decided to add my own personal flavor to the arrangement but still using the supplies and there’s nothing better to use ’round here for a vase than a cowboy boot. Not just any cowboy boot, my middle son’s boot! After I followed the recipe, I put the entire mug inside the cowboy boot. It made me smile. The colors are so vibrant and they matched the stitching in the boot! I think it fits my personality, my lifestyle, my cowboys. My husband noticed immediately when he walked into the door and both my older boys touched the petals to see if they were real. They really liked them.
I can see now why so many people love fresh flowers. The colors lift you up and make you smile and what a treat is to be able to look over when you’re having a hectic day and see such beauty. You can’t help but to grin and perk up a bit. Isn’t it funny how something so simple can make you feel so good.
What do Mother’s Day Flowers mean to you? Maybe you keep them year around…..would love to know how you feel about fresh flowers!
P.S. You can bet my mom will get fresh flowers. Happy early Mother’s Day mom and to the rest of you who are moms and/or have moms!
The Ingredients, the Recipe
Buy some flowers – I prefer fresh but you can definitely get fake. Walmart has both, especially during Mother’s Day. Buy a mug, bucket, or something to put the flowers in. You’ll need some floral foam whether you’re buying fake or real flowers.
Putting the Flowers together
Fresh Flowers arranged in the mug
Mug of flowers in the boot
Fresh Flower Arrangement, Cowboy Style
LOVE the boot idea, Lori! Very creative, and it inspires me to look for vase alternatives as well. Happy early Mother’s Day, I really hope your man comes through on the flowers this year!
My husband and my two youngest boys, all bring flowers to me that they have picked from the back pasture, or our flower gardens. I usually get a potted plant or two for Mother’s day, but very rarely cut flowers. My husband knows if he pays for them, I had better be able to enjoy them more than a few days!
Kay Ms last blog post..
Awww! that is sooo adorable! Love it! :) I <3 flowers! I buy some like every week just to adorn my dresser!
Amandas last blog post..Oh So Sweet!
So so creative Lori!! Love the boot idea!
Danielles last blog post..Blissful Blooms
I love the flowers in the boot. That is just so fun. The bright colors add some style to it too!
Hollys last blog post..My Second Blogoversary!
The boot makes it ten times better!
I love fresh flowers!
Did you know that Julie Andrews insisted on all fresh flowers for the movie The Princess Diaries? A bit more work, but worth it. :)
Jendis last blog post..The Letter That Started Our Courtship
I love it! Thanks for the idea, now I have a use for my cowboys old boots!
CowgirlDivas last blog post..Busy morning….
Innovative and excellent work! Great ideas for gifts.
Innovative and very creative. Great for gifts. Excellent work!
Very creative, and it inspires me to look for vase alternatives as well. Happy early Mother’s Day. The bright colors add some style to it too.
The boot idea is so creative. I’m going to see if I can come up with a Christmas arrangement to put in a boot. I think it would add to my hoilday decor and give some hoilday cheer to my home. Your DIY project has provocted my creativity!!!