After the longest 6 years of my life, losing both parents, I have finally found peace. Today, I wanted to share some of the joys with you, you know, just in case you’ve been wondering where the heck I’ve been.
We all go through a journey that takes us through the valleys and up & down the mountains and if you’re lucky, you have incredible friends and God to help you navigate through them. While I still have so many things I want to say & ask my mom, I made the choice to not let it consume me anymore, because if your faith is like mine, then we both know that when the time is right, God will give us resolution.
With the changing seasons, I am in restorative and rediscovery mode. I’m putting myself back together but also trying to figure out who I am, what I want to do, and what I like. As I push myself through this process, I’m learning a little more about me. For example, I never thought I’d like to float in a river. I’m not the biggest fan of swimming in water. Who does this, I thought, floating in a river for fun? But guess what, I do! It took every ounce of me to go to the river with some of my dearest friends because I like my box. I’m comfortable here in my house, but I forced myself to go and I loved it so much. I loved floating in the water, for hours, y’all.
I’m learning that, while I may not be the prettiest gal around, and even in this raw, makeup-less selfie, I’m still beautiful in God’s eyes. I’m exactly the way He made me. And if I’m being honest, I think I’m pretty great on the inside and that’s really what matters most, right?
I’m learning that I LOVE this man more than I ever have. He makes me laugh now, the way I once made him laugh in our early years. It’s so easy to take the “little” things for granted when you’ve been with someone for over 25 years, and I think we both are rediscovering the things we love about each other, all over again. I’m dedicated to making the next 25+ years the best ones ever.
With a long ways to go in my journey of physical, mental, and spiritual healing, I’m finally excited to see what’s ahead. I’m excited to step outside my box and experience new things and continue to love & embrace the old.
I hope that you’ll ride along with me, again, and share your own journey along the way!
Thats great on being so in love!