I’ve been blogging on multiple blogs for over 4 years now. It’s been great for probably 95% of the time but for the past year I’ve been feeling a little blue, well, a lot actually. For so much of my blogging career I’ve sacrificed family, friends, and living life. It’s to be expected when you want to reach a certain level you know? And I did reach the level that I wanted. I’ve had amazing opportunities & experiences, which I owe to all those years of hard work. But….the past year and a half, I chose to put myself and my family first. And well, it’s made me the happiest person ever but my blogging has suffered from it. I can’t seem to find my way back with 3 blogs, 2 twitter handles, and 4 facebook pages.
I’ve always wanted to go back to having only one blog. It’s so hard to create content day in, day out on several blogs. I miss the simplicity of blogging. So for the past few weeks, I’ve been pondering on the situation and trying to figure out what *I* really want. For so long I’ve done things because I was encouraged by others or because it looked good to Public Relations but it was never what I really wanted deep down. I asked around to see w hat others had to say about my thoughts and have finally come to a decision.
I have decided to drop ELM, which is still on the startup stages for the most part. I’m passing that site on to Dwan, who I adore a great deal, and who I know will make it a great blog. The hard decision came with deciding on whether to keep My Wooden Spoon or A Cowboy’s Wife. I’m known as A Cowboy’s Wife and that’s how I originally started blogging but my traffic, SEO, and income comes mostly from My Wooden Spoon. What’s a gal to do?
I have decided to merge A Cowboy’s Wife into My Wooden Spoon. This means that not only will you see cooking/kitchen related posts but also posts about our ranch life, my health adventures, and whatever else my big ol’ heart desires. It’s a big risk because I know that many of you read this blog only for the recipes. I know that I’ll lose some of you due to this but I’m truly hoping that more of you support the decision and continue to follow this blog. I think you’d like me even more once you get to know more about me and my family and the things that I love to talk about….if you give me the chance. This is what will make me happy and I think only positives can come from me being happy right?
These changes will take effect next week, about Wednesday or so. I hope you stay with me through these changes…at least giving me a chance, but I do understand if you choose to move on. If you have any questions, please ask in the comments or email me lori@mywoodenspoon.com and I’ll do my best to answer them.
If you’re up to it, “Like” My Wooden Spoon on Facebook and consider joining the NEW My Wooden Spoon newsletter. If you were subscribed to an old newsletter, that has been deleted so you’ll have to resubscribe. Great things planned, I promise.
ONLY good things can come from more Lori in one place- especially Happy Lori!!! Good for you for sticking true to your guns.
I think it’s a great choice. Love the idea of the merge :)
Good for you! I can’t wait to see them both fully integrated! :D
OMG… I know the feeling. I think 2011 will go down in history as the year we all refined our goals and created the lifestyle we’d like to live. :) I know we’ve done the same on our site – re focused our efforts to do one thing great instead of a million things to everyone. I started with adopting a new puppy and that prioritized things a bit. Next up.. a baby? LOL :)
Anyhow, I applaud you for focusing your attention and living a little! :)
Hi Courtney!!!!!! :)
I think you’ve made a great choice Lori, and I’m very sure you’ll be happier, less stressed and enjoy blogging again. Maybe you’ll even have time for some blog hopping. :)
Oh I forgot to ask, which twitter account will you be keeping/using?
ACowboysWife :) I think blog hopping would be nice. It’s on my goal list….
I’m so happy you came to a decision that you’re happy with! I know this is going to be a good thing for you. Love ya! xoxo
I think you are making a great decision. I’ve seen many bloggers struggle with multiple blogs and say that when they condense down to only one they are able to give their absolute best work.
Wow…I am glad you made your decision and are happy with it. I have only known you several months but I can see that you give 110% to everything you do. Look at all you have, your blogs, work and trips, most important, your Man and boys. 110% only stretches so far Lori. If people follow you for one reason or another they can read what they want and skim over the rest if they choose to. I wish you the very best!
hugs, Deb
I’m going to follow you wherever you are. You speak from your heart, you’re authentic and true to yourself and your family and friends. I am so happy that you are making this change for you, and for your family.
You go girl!!!
Congratulations on living life to the fullest and taking the bull by the horns (so to speak).
I didn’t know you were letting go of ELM, sad but it’s for the best for you :) Blogging ain’t blogging unless you enjoy it! Good luck with the merge and I will still be here!
I’ll still be reading…I think you made a good choice!! And…it’s the best one for YOU!
Kristin :)
I’ve wondered how you managed it all! You’ve got to do what’s best for your family and of course I’ll still be a fan!
I am really new to this blog so sounds good to me.
Lori, you’ve made a very wise choice! Your kids will grow up all too soon! I think that’s a great idea about combining your two blogs!!
girl I’ll follow you anywhere, heck now I’ll even get recipes for my husband to cook for me, win,win! :)
I am so happy you are making the decision you feel most at peace with! Sad to see you leave ELM but thrilled to be taking it over, just hope I can measure up to fill your shoes ;-)
You made a great choice! I’ve been feeling the same way, which is why I decided to just consolidate all my blogs to one fanpage. I’m launching a food blog because I don’t want to mesh personal with that, but you can definitely make it work. MDB gets 9x more traffic than Sophistishe. It’s kinda depressing, yet awesome, but I’m just not wanting to return without “Daddy”. So tired of the whole “PR people like it” fad…pfft.
Anywho, can’t wait to see everything merged!
To thy ownself be true. Everything will turn out well :)
I’ve been following your blog for years, and I can easily see as a business decision and also being easier on you how easily you could put it all into A Cowboy’s. I do a lot of food, and love food but I couldn’t handle another blog. I guess I;m speaking form my own personal experience and my own blog but I think the change is going to be good. And I can keep up with your recipes in one spot. Which was always why I didn’t visit MWS that much. As a reader and fan I can say I think I will also enjoy ACW more now!!
I know it wasn’t an easy decision, but you are so successful. This is just a new start to an already wonderful journey.
Cheers to you Lori!! I think it will all work out and your readership will grow!!
Good for you, Lori!
Good luck, Lori! You will rock what ever comes your way. I just know it. :)
Holy cow… you just said everything I’ve been struggling with for quite a while now!
I just can’t do it all anymore… 3 jobs, the farm, the dogs, the husband, the house construction/destruction/remodeling, my photography websites, and three blogs. I seriously need to consolidate!
Now, I just need to figure out how to get a new blog design with different categories so I can make that happen.
So proud of you doing what you know is the right choice for you and sticking to your gut feeling. I love to see you shine!