Wilton’s yearbook covers are a big deal and their innovative designs blow my mind every time! I’ve enjoyed every single visit I’ve had with them and LOVE seeing their new products and creative goodies.
I’ve actually had the honor of meeting the creative genius behind these yearbooks. He comes up with some amazing pieces and it was so much fun to hear him talk about the process and how one tiny thing can spur up a design that ends up being featured in the yearbook. This was on one of my first trips.
The 2012 Wilton Yearbook has a special section that features fun designs made with the new Sugar Sheets- Punch. Cut. Decorate. If you’re not familiar with that, you can watch the video below to find out more. It’s pretty darn cool and will make it super easy for your beginners to turn a simple cake into a masterpiece! There are also some very cool things that the more advance users will be able to make..just endless possibilities for all skill levels honestly.
Collecting yearbooks is a big deal to the fans of Wilton. Do you own any of the Wilton Yearbooks?
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