One of the pains that I have to deal with here on the ranch, is the lovely hard-water spots on my dishes. I was always looking for that next product to eliminate them but man, it can get pricey. I was talking to a gal, probably in her 60’s, who was telling me that she had the same issue but that she simply used Clorox Bleach. Now, when she first said it, I wasn’t quite convinced and was almost set-back by it but she explained her ‘parts’. She filled her sink up with warm water and choice of dish soap; then she put 2 tablespoons of Clorox Bleach in the suds and swooshed around.
I honestly didn’t think JUST 2 Tablespoons would work but it did, it Bleached it Away. There was a considerable difference when they were dry. I guess you learn something new all the time from the wise, experienced ones. This just shows me that you don’t need all those fancy cleaners and ‘special agents’, you just need Clorox Bleach! Check out my Christmas plate!! All you can see is the reflection of everything else because it’s so clean!
Guess what, you have the chance to win a Clorox Gift Basket and $50 Gift Card to Williams and Sonoma! Woohoo!
How to Enter
Required Entry: Share a messy moment that happens in your kitchen! Tell me all about it, I wanna hear them! If you need some inspiration, watch the video and see a fellow blogger and Mom share her messy moment.
Additional optional entries, leaving all in separate comments to count:
- Join the My Wooden Spoon’s Facebook Community. I’m always giving freebies like ecookbooks over there!
- Follow @ACowboysWife on Twitter and tweet this giveaway with the URL to this post! (DAILY ENTRY-once per day)
- Subscribe to my feed via RSS or email. You must confirm your email subscription for it to be a valid entry! Coming soon, there will be special giveaways JUST for email subscribers! If you’re already a subscriber, simply leave a separate comment letting me know you’ve already subscribed.
- Go share your messy moment over on Clorox’s Facebook page and how you Bleach it Away!
This giveaway ends at 6:00 p.m. CST on 12/15/2011 and is open to all U.S. residents.
Disclosure: Clorox is providing the gift basket and gift card and I have been paid for my time & efforts to create this post. As always, my opinions are my own.
My grandson spilled a gallon of milk and it ran under the stove and fridge. The appliances had to be moved to clean up the mess.
My kids and I made gingerbread houses over the weekend. The icing and candy was seriously, everywhere. Floor, chairs, counters…the kids were even throwning candy at each other. (ok, I threw a couple pieces too). We were had so much fun, but clean up time was really a chore.
Thanks so much.
I’m a FB friend (Margaret E. Smith)
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The cat got into a bag of sugar and knocked it on the kitchen floor and there was sugar all over the place.
Follow My Wooden Spoon on Facebook: Rebecca Honey Graham
I have messy moments when I forget to start the stand mixer slowly and I get flour puffs all over everything.
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My messy moments occur when I have to work nights and my husband is left to cook. He gets stuff everywhere, on the counters, the stove and even the sink is covered with the makings of the meal of the night along with all the dirty dishes that inevitably didn’t make it into the dishwasher.
I had a package of meat leak somehow all over inside of my meat drawer in the fridge – YUK! I keep a spray bottle with bleach under the sink at all times …I use it for so many things in the kitchen.
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My messy moments happen on my flat cooktop stove. I love that thing, but any bit of dirt, what have you, gets even worse if I happen to use the burners without cleaning it off first! Argh!
My daughter decided to decorate the floor with Jam….and than flour!
Thanks for the chance.
I had a plateful of angel hair pasta with marinara sauce sitting on the counter, and did not realize that it was hanging over the edge of the counter until it got bumped a little and fell to the floor.
I spilled partialy gelled jello in the refrigerator and it set and stuck to everything. It was very difficult to clean up.
smchester at gmail dot com
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I started the blender off without top cover, spilled smoothies all over the kitchen counter, floor and ceiling.
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A messy moment that always happens in my kitchen is when I use my rotissiere to roast chicken or turkeys. Getting the chicken or turkey on the spickets that have to slide into the rotissiere means that chicken or turkey juices will always run all over my countertop.
I actually wipe it all up with a paper towel. Then I actually do wash the countertop off with a Cloroxed soapy mix on another paper towel before I finally rinse it off with a towel rrinsed in hot water.
My messiest moments tend to happen in the summer after I’ve picked pounds of fresh blackberries and am trying to mash them up to make jam… blackberry juice gets everywhere! What white tile? Thank goodness for Clorox Clean up – back to white in no time! Phew!
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I spilled spaghetti sauce all over the floor and countertop!
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I dropped an entire cooked lasagna as I was lifting it out of the oven. The pyrex shattered and lasagna was all over the floor, cabinets, and went into the ac/heat register. Hubby had to use the shop vac and we still had to replace the register. What a mess!
I live in a small apartment with a very small kitchen, so whenever I cook, I use everything as my workspace (window sill, sink, table, microwave). Anyway, the other day I accidentally knocked over the sauce i was making, spilling it on the floor, and on the garlic bread!
Chocolate pudding- homemade- hot and sticky- knocked off the counter by an inquisitive Great Dane who then proceeded to run through it and then run through the house and then come back and run through it and on and on. Later that night- my poor baby was sick from an unknown quantity of pudding ingested. And then sick some more and on and on. Opted for emergency vet visit and came home to clean up dried “mess”. Ugh.
I was making cookies with my daughter and she tried to open a bag of flour…needless to say that since i’m posting this story…it did not end well :). Even after intensive cleaning, i found flour in nooks & crannies for a while
I was trying to make cookies. I thought the bowl was deep enough but when I turned on the mixer, blewy. Brown sugar and butter everywhere.
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I was making green beans with red sauce and I had the bowl on the kitchen table, I got distracted and it all spilled on the floor and the bowl even broke.
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i submitted my moment to clorox!/permalink.php?story_fbid=2861826748847&id=1355040978
My messy moment is cleaning the casserole pan after I make lasagna – yuck!
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I was making smoothie and forgot to put the lid on and it slashed everywhere.
I’ll play.
hope to win
my messy moments always involves the dogs.
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fb id robyn paris
I once spilled a full pitcher of freshly made orange juice. What a mess!
My messy moment is the rare occasion when the dog gets into the trash. That’s always a pain to clean up.
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my cousin daniel cooks!/aes529/status/145895815410483200
My 18 year old son IS my messy moment.
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Cooking dinner is always a disaster. I like to cook from scratch, so I end up using lots of bowls, pots, pans, utensils, etc.
Once, immediately after taking a full pan of potatoes au gratin out of the oven, the pan slipped out of my hands and fell to the ground. I was let with a hot gooey mess on the stove and floor and sadly, didn’t even get to enjoy the potatoes.
Messy moments happen when my husband bakes- there is sugar and frosting everywhere, but man is the end result delicious!
Things always seem to explode in my microwave. I use Clorox wipes for a quick and easy clean up.
Once, we had a chocolate fountain in our kitchen and it ended up being messy. Chocolate dripped everywhere.
making cupcakes or any other type of cake is really messy. stuff just gets everywhere. i made cupcakes at a friend’s house recently and we did died icing, and that was a MESS, believe me!/geekygamergirl/status/146108941296861184
I turned on the blender and I spilled everything!
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The only messy situations in the kitchen is if our son gets into the flour or baking soda. I clean up immeditely after each thing I do in the kitchen.
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my cats decided to scratch open a 10 pound bag of kitty kitter on the kitchen counter
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spraying my sinks keep my house germ free.
Clorex is the best.
I caused a big mess when I dropped a pan of lasagna when I took it out of the oven.!/susan1215/status/146403798238232576
Like you on FB Susan Smith
Messy Moment: letting my 3 & 6 yr old girls help me cook! Great for laughs & fun…& messiness!
every time i cook is a messy moment!!
thanks for a great contest! Janna Johnson janna@feedyourpig on GFC
Not that long ago I set a pot of molasses on fire! It was the biggest kitchen mess I’ve ever made.
Messy moment was at the time when i dropped down the tomato sauce bottle kept at the top shelf.
It’s always messy when baking. If I put flour or cocoa powder in the KitchenAid mixer, it usually goes up in a big puff and gets everywhere!
Without fail, anytime I bake, the kitchen is left looking like a disaster zone. Flour everywhere, egg whites oozing, and a 2-year-old trying to “help” by smearing the chocolate around on the counter :)
My messy moments are my tub in the bathroom. No matter what I do I can’t get it clean. As well as my garbage disposale it smells at times and can’t figure that one out either. Will bleach help that? I have tried just about everything. Thanks for the bleach tip. A bit in the dishwasher ran through a cyle works great too.
My worst incident was dropping a pint of milk…it went everywhere…all the nooks and crannies in the kitchen.
There have been many but the most recent was a few days ago when the grocery bag I was carrying in broke and the spaghetti sauce jar fell out and shatter on the floor. Sauce and glass everywhere, took almost an hour to clean up.
Messy moments happen all the time in my kitchen but I have two that really stand out. Several years ago while cooking for a crowd I was stressed and didn’t realize I had my burner up too high with a oil sauce and it exploded (yes exploded) up to my ceiling and all over my kitchen. I STILL have an oil stain on my ceiling. It was horrible and I wouldn’t wish that on anyone!
The second was the time my then 2 year old spilled a bottle of oil on my floor. Soooooo not fun to clean up oil.
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It seems like every time we turn on the stand mixer, something shoots out…powdered sugar, cocoa, butter bits…
Your Facebook fan as Jennifer Schmidt.
There was a mess last weekend when I was making carne asade tacos for 125 people in my kitchen. whew.
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My kitchen mess is frying chiken the grease gets everywhere.
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My three year old spilled grape juice all of the floor. It was really hard to get out!
follow My Wooden Spoon on FB as Jessica Vaughan GEngler
When i drop a bag of newly bought groceries on the floor…breaking the plastic oj container and a jar of grape jam!/aes529/status/146707209085140992
My uncles come over to fix things in the house and they get mud on the kitchen floor and regular cleaner doesn’t get it off… I have to use bleach.
What a great useable contest!
My messiest moment in the kitchen was while cooking collard greens in a pressure cooker.
It was the first time that I had ever used a pressure cooker and was really unsure of just how to. But after a few hours I thought that everything was going great .
I left it alone for just a few minutes and when I went back to check on it as soon as I touched the pot the weight flew off.
Boiling water and greens were flying everywhere, the floor, the walls, the ceiling and my head.
I pulled it off of the stove and into the sink.
Needless to say it took me hours to clean this horrible mess up and I never used that pot again.
I am a fan via Facebook as Jill Myrick.
I am subscribed via email as jweezie43[at]gmail[dot]com.
my messy moments are always in the kitchen. Especially cooking with flour or baking!/geekygamergirl/status/146804882362474496
One very messy moment in my kitchen was when I was putting a pumpkin pie in the oven and accidentally upended it on the open oven door. wgbc1446[at]yahoo[dot]com
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I follow @ACowboy’swife on Twitter as wgbc1446. Thanks! wgbc1446[at]yahoo[dot]com
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The most recent messy accident in our household is dropping a tray of Oncor Salisbury Steak after getting it out of the microwave. Gravy splattered all over the kitchen (fridge, tile, rug, oven, cabinets, coffee pot, etc)!/tcarolinep/status/146860514310496256
We rent a house (we have been in it for 8 years!) and the kitchen has carpet in it! I have 3 kids so there have been many messy baking accidents over the years!
eq fb follower tina wofford page
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one time I dropped an entire pan of lasagna on the floor. He to clean up noodles, meat and sauce out of my grout, it took hours.
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Rambunctios baby. Pureed Plums. Ceiling. BIG PURPLE STAINS!
I joined My Wooden Spoon’s Facebook Community. Debbie C
Well, this happened a long time ago when I was a latchkey kid and had been given explicit instructions on how to put together the roast and veggies for a potroast for a dinner with my grandparents. Unfortunately for mom, her instructions included the words ‘put it on the stove’ and I, being a literal-minded preteen, put the Pyrex dish on the burner. It blew up. There were meat and veggie and glass bits all over the place!!/aes529/status/146966243373617152
Wow my mess would be all the dishes that get piled up from eating dinner, and spills that happen all over the kitchen floor! Someone spills the Kool-Aid & you ask who did it & everyone’s answer is, “I didn’t do it!” Of course mom is always left with the mess! One day I just want to put a hidden nanny cam in the kitchen & bust them on camera! :)
Following on twitter @Charluvsabby3 & tweeted!/CharLuvsAbby3/status/146969089699614720
My family loves chicken and dumplings, but every single time I make them the pot bubbles over when the lid is closed on the dumplings and I have to take the burners out to get everything clean again.
Every moment is my kitchen is messy, but being the wife of an avid hunter and trapper, my kitchen sees things that would make a city girl cringe. Processing venison and pork in the kitchen leaves a very undesirable mess to clean up. Not only does my husband feel the neccessity to dirty every dish in the cabinet, but he leaves stains on the counter tops and does not clean up after himself well. After all of the slicing, butterflying, grinding, seasoning and packing is complete, we break out the bleach water. Not only do we use hot bleach water to disinfect the messy splatters, but I also use a tad bit as suggested in the dish water to sanitize the knives, bowls, dehydrator and grinder. (You should be there when he decides to create his own trap bait and lures!)
I’m already a member of the My Wooden Spoon’s Facebook Community as Gaye M.
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I attempted to make my own pesto once and wound up with green splatters completely around one corner of my kitchen :(
My worst messes happen in the microwave. I sometimes hit an extra key so instead of 2 minutes I set it for 20 minutes, causing my chili to boil over or my lasagna to pop and spatter all over the inside.
Need this!
My three daughters love to help in the kitchen. Baking is especially messy but I love it.
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A messy moment in my kitchen is any time my husband goes in there! I don’t know how he manages, but he leaves a trail of devastation making the simplest snack!
blue65829 at aol dot com
whenever my husband makes his chicken parm and every time bread crumbs is all over my kitchen
My messiest moment in the kitchen was when I dropped a pot of spaghetti and it spilled and splattered everywhere. Even the ceiling had spaghetti sauce on it :(. SweepsGirl(at)aol(dot)com
I follow A Cowboys Wife on twitter as @SweepsGirl and tweeted!/SweepsGirl/status/146995868338372609 SweepsGirl(at)aol(dot)com
email subscriber. SweepsGirl(at)aol(dot)com
A messy moment in my kitchen is any time my niece comes over with her 2 children and raid my fridge once every week, they leave such a mess you would think an army of hungry monkey came over. :)
twitter follower :) Happy Holidays to you and your family :)
We had a HUGE messy moment a few weeks ago, a 2-liter of cola fell from the top shelf of the fridge and exploded all over the kitchen, it was a big, sticky mess!
Email Subscriber, thanks!!/Hotsnotty2/status/147013763571253248
Whenever my husband decides to make his chili. Every dish and counter top becomes dirty. Not quite sure how it happens.
like u on fb as shirley greenawalt zolenski
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Whenever my husband decides to bake or cook he always makes a mess that covers all the counters!
I had a messy moment when my son knocked a full tea jar of tea out of the fridge!
lazybones344 at gmail dot com
my son’s kool aide spills. lol he dose it alot
My kitchen is always a mess when my 1 year old daughter decides to go through the cupboards
Whenever we make spagetti the sauce splatters all over the stove
mine was when my 5 year old knocked a dozen of eggs and a jar of grape jelly off the table and they crashed broke and splattered everywhere
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my husband + pommegranate + kitchen = one heck of a mess :(
A messy moment in my kitchen is when I am feeding my 9 month old twins baby food–it goes everywhere but in their mouths!
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My 8 year old trying to make pancakes is a messy moment in my kitchen.!/geekygamergirl/status/147115341754023936
A messy moment is when my husband makes coffee and forgets to put the pot back, and the coffee runs all over the counter and down the cabinet!
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We had a real mess last week when my 12 year old daughter and I each made seperate gingerbread houses. There was food coloring all over the counter!
Making spaghetti sauce is always a messy moment in my matter what i gets all over everything!!!
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We live on a dirt road, so all my dishes are turning a funny color, I am going to have to try this bleach trick. sweepmorey at gmail dot com
I am part of your facebook community. Jammie M
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Love William Sonoma would love to spend this money and not think of bills at home
my sink is leaking right now, very wet
I make 2 weeks worth of juice at one time – vegetables and fruit. It makes such a mess.
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My kids like the help me cook .. That can get messy!
chicken tender night is always the messiest. flour…egg….breadcrumbs….and grease everywhere. but they taste amazing!
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My messy moment was today, I decided to make Oreo Cheesecake bits which seemed like a good idea until I turned on the hand mixer… Lets not even mention the attempting to dip them in melted chocolate!
I lie you on fb.. Becca Peters
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When my kids were little I made dinner and went to lie down as I had a high fever. When my husband came home he discovered the disaster. They had a spinach fight. Cooked spinach was dripping from everywhere. Along with that there were dollops of yogurt all over everything.
Joined My Wooden Spoon on Facebook Rosanne M
Anytime I bake, there will be messy moments. I find flour to be the messiest ingredient I work with!
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Pt Sweeper
Thanks for the giveaway…we were making a large pot of homemade marinara sauce recently for a family gathering, and in the process of putting the pot on the back burner to simmer when the doorbell rang. I was distracted for about 15 minutes as we greeted some neighbors who dropped in; I thought we had set the heat under the pot to warm but apparently one of us left it on high: the sauce exploded all over the stovetop, the tile back-splash, and an adjacent painted wall…a total of about 3-4 cups of sauce splattered & sprayed.
senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com
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Anytime I get on the cutting board = messy moment
always spilling something
While trying to shake the remaining ketchup to the top of the bottle, the lid opened and sprayed ketchup across the floor, up the wall, on the curtains, on the ceiling and back across the floor. Needless to say, I never did that again. Once was enough for me.
We recently painted t-shirts in our kitchen…bad idea!
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I had a glass baking dish that I recently bought that was advertised safe for the microwave. Anyway I made a lasagne with homemade pasta and the works and stuck it in that new dish in my microwave. However, this thing cracked and I had a sticky mess and a ruined dinner!
One of the messy things that always happens in my kitchen is to actually let my husband TRY TO COOK…if you’ve lived through it, then you know that that’s enough!!!
Marcella Cook
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Have already shared 2 messy moments on Clorox, in the Bleach it Away contest
emmerswee at gmail dot com
Sometimes, when I grind coffee beans in the morning, some of the ground coffee escapes en route from the grinder to the coffeemaker. Since the ground coffee pieces are so small, they can make a mess, especially if they get in the little nooks and crannies on the counter
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the messy moment in my kitchen is when I had burnt food on my stove
when a jar of cheese sauce exploded in my microwave
jofo120 at yahoo dot com
the messiest kitchen incident is when my husband thinks he can cook!
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When I make tea with loose leaf tea, cleaning the used tea leaves out the teapot or tea holder, especially if I transfer the used tea to our compost pile outside, can make a mess if not careful
when my kids were younger they wanted to surprise me with spaghetti and meatballs…well needless to say,,,,the spaghetti sauce was all over except for in the pan,burnt spaghetti lol
but I apprecated their efforts
like u on fb Julie A Scott Laws
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My messiest moment is when I wake up to find a sinck full of dishes from late nite refrig raiding.
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Tripped over the dog while carrying a sweet potato casserole – not pretty and definitely messy.
i dropped an entire pan of lasagna in the middle of my kitchen floor. After cleaning the food, there were red stains all over. at the time i worked in the childcare industry and we use a bleach and water solution to clean everything, so i tried it on the floor and it completely removed the stains.
marygardner49 at aol dot com
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A couple of days ago I spilled a 2 liter bottle of coke all over my stove and floor in the kitchen. Not only was it a mess, but a STICKY mess! Thanks for having the contest!
A messy moment for me was when I was making an iced coffee and forgot to put the lid on the blender and the liquid went all over the cabinets and counter top!
My friends and I were getting ready for our Halloween party with 85 guests and we were frying bone shaped potato chips in an electric fryer. One of my friend’s got impatient and asked if we could get a pot of oil going on the stove, so we could get done faster. I went to put the first batch of cut potatoes in the oil and it bubbled up over the pot, down over the stove top, onto the floor, and into the cupboard below. What a mess. I’m still grateful that we didn’t start a fire.
we were making christmas cookies last week and knocked over a couple eggs on the hardwood floor,messy!!
fb fan
My daughter used to get into our pantry every other day. She would empty all of the lower shelves and scatter everything around the entire kitchen.
My messy moment was decorating Easter Eggs last spring with my children. My youngest daughter grabbed the green bottle of dye before I could stop her and squirted it on my counters. I couldn’t completely get all the ink off an still have light green staining on my counter.
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com
I liked My Wooden Spoon on Facebook user Lisa Garner.
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com
My hubby was making cookies a few weeks back and dumped brown sugar all over the floor and didn’t say anything. People ended up walking all over it and making the floor super sticky and a big mess to clean up!
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A new gallon of milk somehow ended up with a hole in the bottom of the jug. We ended up with milk all over the fridge, in the floor and just everywhere. What a nasty mess.
Not too long ago I dropped a 35 ounce plastic container full of iced coffee on my kitchen floor. The coffee went everywhere and I broke my favorite cup.
new email subscriber
A messy moment was when the glass saucepot I had on the stove exploded. There was glass and food all over the kitchen.!/aes529/status/147405454522322944
my messy moment was when my husband dropped butter between the stove and the countertop, almost impossible to get to to clean up!
I “liked” my wooden spoon on facebook as nikki thoresen
My messy moment was when I dropped a glass bottle of olive oil while moving. It went over all the boxes I was packing, and we had to repack everything because the cardboard absorbed the oil. it took forever.
That would be when I dropped a large glass jar of honey, and we had carpeting in the kitchen at the time.
Well, *I* didn’t do it, but my husband did. I put a bottle of wine on the top of the cabinet for later. He was cleaning or something and knocked the whole thing on the kitchen floor. Red wine and white grout don’t mix.
Mandatory: juicing carrots and the cup fell over and there was orange everywhere.
I like my wooden spoon on fb (Michelle s)
The last messy moment we had was when I dropped a bottle of ketchup and it squirted all over the wall, the floor and refrigerator. Lovely mess to clean up.
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My daughter and SIL lived with us for 3 years so when she was an infant her bassinet was in the kitchen and she had a blowout. I took her out of the crib and I didn’t know she was dripping poo and daughter cleaned her up. Then as we were changing her bedding daughter saw all this mess on the floor also. What a disaster we will never forget! LOL
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The first time I made apple butter it said to leave the pot boiling uncovered for an hour. Well, after about five minutes the pot boiled over the stove and area. Very messy!
My messy moments generally involve splattered tomato sauce, usually on a nice pair of pants or a shirt
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My mess moment is when I make Hot Tea in a gallon & half container A& when I go toput it in the frig the weight is to much & I spill it on the floor & on the shelf..which runs down to the bottum of the frig ..thus everything is all sticky .
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Every time my husband cooks the kitchen becomes a mess. Splatters everywhere, food on the floor, crumbs in the burners, etc. He can’t even make coffee in the morning without coffee grounds and drips everywhere!
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We have lots of messes but the most common is the “making kool-aid” mess. When one of the kids decides to make kool-aid it is a guarantee that sugar will be on the counter, covered with water, dripping down the sides of the cabinets…stickiness all over. Thanks for the giveaway!
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One time I was making some homemade spaghetti sauce and I had it turned up to high and it
should have been simmering.When I came back in the kitchen it had boiled over everywhere and
it was such a mess to clean up.I thought to myself how will I ever get this stain out of my tile and counter top.
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Mine was when my daughter dropped a glass bottle of hot sauce!
The other day my daughter was making brownies with the hand mixer and she raised it out of the bowl before she turned it off and I had broiwnie batter all over the kitchen.
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Everyday my husband makes coffee using a stove top espresso maker(he refuses to use the regular coffee maker). The coffee ALWAYS spills on the burner! -So, I am always cleaning the burners.
My kids dumping something on the floor when I turn to do something else.
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The other day, I was taking pizza out of the oven and it fell, needless to say there was pizza sauce everywhere!
tomato sauce spilled all over the floor !!/geekygamergirl/status/147514381754839040