Halloween is right around the corner and I always enjoy seeing the fun and spooky food recipes for this theme! I thought it would be fun to round up a few that I found and share them with you.
If you need a lot of ideas for Halloween Treats, you should consider purchasing 35 Fun Easy Halloween Recipes. It’s a $7 ebook (money goes to moms) that has some CUTE ideas like these Fruity Ghosts! ADORABLE and it’s fruit! Great for the school party.
I’m totally gonna try these Witch Cupcakes from Martha Stewart too. These look like so much fun! (photo from MarthaStewart.com)
And if you’re looking for more of a challenge, give these Ghosts in the Graveyard a try!
MEOW! Chocolate Cat Cookies from Jill that look easy and fun! Be sure and check out Jill’s other recipes too…she has some GREAT ones!
And finally, I HAVE to share with you these cute pumpkins from Bakerella. Do you know that I’m obessed with her site and envious of her talent in a stalkerish sort of way? She’s amazing and she must have an enormous amount of patience to do what she does! I actually plan on making bigger versions of these because *I* don’t have patience. Pumpkin Pie Bites from Bakerella (photo is hers too, hope she doesn’t mind me sharing it with y’all and if she does, then I guess you’ll see the photo disappear) I know she works hard on her photos so PLEASE GO VISIT HER AT BAKERELLA.COM SO THAT SHE DOESN’T MIND ME BORROWING THE PHOTO SO MUCH!
If you have a Halloween recipe, I’d love for you to share with us! You can leave your link in the comment or tell us your idea and how to make it!
P.S. Thursdays are now called ‘Lori’s Pantry’. It’s basically a link roundup of great food chatter and recipes. Next week’s theme is Party Food so if you have something to share with the web about party food, email your link, idea, or recipe to me by Wednesday at pantry (at) mywoodenspoon (dot) com and I’ll do my best to showcase it.
Hmmm…those witch cupcakes do look fun, I think I’ll give those a try.
Several years ago in Southern Living mag, I saw a recipe for ghosts cookies. It’s really easy. All you do is take Nutter Butter cookies, dip them in melted white chocolate and then set on parchment paper to harden. Once they’re set, you can either melt some chocolate chips, put in a zipper baggie, make a small cut in one corner and pipe faces onto the cookies OR you could also use store bought tube icing for the same effect.
YES! My mom makes them and I’ll be posting about it soon:) So cute and fun!
Wow Lori, those are RIDICULOUSLY cute ideas! Thanks for sharing, Christine
Sorry, Lori- I really meant to send you this recipe last night but here goes!
Monster Toes:
1 can of refrigerated croissants
1 package of little smokies (or any cocktail wiener)
Preheat your over to whatever it says on the back of the croissant package. Roll out all of the croissants and cut each triangle in half. Take each half and roll it around one of your Little Smokies but make sure to leave a little of the Little Smokie showing. Bake these according to the croissant package directions and when they are done let them cool for about 5 mins. Cut a small wedge in the tip of the Little Smokie and then take your ketchup bottle and put a dab in the cutout. It should look like a bloody toe. We have served these and lots of parties and not only to they taste good but the kiddos love them!
Here is a link that shows you what they should look like. You can also use tortillas as this recipe does, I just like the croissants better.
How about some spider-topped deviled eggs? They are incredibly easy and so festive and . . . . sugar-free!!! How’s that for a unique Halloween treat? Check it out: http://www.fabfrugalfood.com/appetizers/freaky-frugal-halloween-treats-spider-topped-deviled-egg-recipe/
Thanks for the great post – so many really great Halloween ideas.
I love Bakerella I think the pumpkin bites are perfect after a big Thanksgiving meal when you just want that something sweet. Have you seen those cake pops so cute!! I am going to attempt to make those for my neighbors for Halloween.
Bakerella is responsible for an aspiring 15 year old baker in our household. Even my 17 year old appreciates the whimsy of her cake pops(although it is pioneer woman’s recipes that make him drool).
Dear Ladies Thank you for sharing these great ideas that i can share with my youngest child and my granddaughter!! , they will really enjoy quality time!