Do you ever fall in love with a product so much that you refuse to leave the house without it? Well, that’s me and Contigo. I bet we have gone through hundreds of water bottles and travel mugs over the years because they leak, don’t keep things warm (or cold), and are cheaply made. I absolutely believe you get what you pay for in this instance.
Let me tell you why I said yes to reviewing Contigo products. 1) Toby is a water hog. He has to have a water bottle on the bike, in his truck, at the track, in the weight room, and while he’s watching TV. 2) Truett thinks he has to do everything Toby does so he also has to have a water bottle at all times. 3) Noe drinks coffee every single morning and always takes a cup to go. There are lots of bumps on the ranch roads so a good travel mug is in order. 4) I’m trying to drink more water and find that if something has a straw, I get more in. 4) It takes 30 minutes to get to town so even if we’re not ‘traveling’, we’re still traveling. Someone always gets thirsty and we love to take water bottles with us while on-the-go.
During the school year, if you notice your child getting a little sluggish, chances are they’re dehydrated. Think about how much they drink during the school day as opposed to be home all day. Probably not near as much as they need. Since Truett’s bus ride was almost 25 minutes long, I started sending a water bottle with him on the bus. By the time he got to school, he already drank it and was hydrated for the morning. Hydration is so important! I was looking at this infographic and was shocked that only 5% choose water for on-the-go. That’s crazy to me! Honestly, I don’t want Truett picking up my bad soda habit so I’m trying so hard to encourage water every chance I can.
We are traveling to Houston in a few days and will be using Contigo reusable bottles to hydrate us all the way. I plan to follow up with you guys on our exact opinions of these but so far, they have been AWESOME! And the AUTOSPOUT® is fabulous! Today, I’m giving you the chance to win 5 Contigo Products!
How to Enter:
Leave a comment on this post sharing a travel tip. You can do this daily as long as it’s a different tip.
While I never require it, I ask that you please share this giveaway via social networks like twitter and facebook. I appreciate it and the sponsor appreciates it. Giveaway ends on July 5th at about 10pm CST.
You can find Contigo on Twitter and Facebook so be sure to give them a ‘Like’ and ‘Follow’. Also, for those of you who love a discount, you can get 20% off just by using the code -> COMMUTE20 <- Head to their website now! WOOHOO! Thanks!
We always pak plenty of snacks!
I usually try not to eat or drink when traveling by myself. Saves on the unnecessary stops. A definite must though are food items that do not have a lot of crumbs because that just invites bugs into your car. Always have a solid tight sealed drinking bottle because those can fall over very easily.
Thanks for the fun giveaway! We always have our GPS ready, water bottles, snacks packed (zip locks with chips, granola or sliced apples), pillows, electronics (plus car chargers!).
I always try to freeze calorie free water flavoring cubes, Mio, Crystal lite, New Koolaide calorie free drops… so when I make the water to go it doesn’t melt and make the drink flavorless…er
We like to get gas at Costco because its a little cheaper. You can go to their website and print out a list of all their stores with gas stations.
Make sure you have a car charger for your cell phone in case you get lost or have an emergency
When we are traveling, I like to freeze a gallon jug of water and use that as my ice pack in my cooler. Then I can refill my Contigo Water Bottle with fresh cold water.
Always bring plenty of liquids to keep well hydrated.
I always freeze water in bottles for the ice chest to pack alongside any snacks that might need refrigeration. So when we’ve finished the water we are carrying with us, we can refill from the ice chest water bottles that have now thawed some.
I always have an apple or a banana, plus trail mix and nuts in my car when I travel.
I always like to take snacks, the kids seem to be hungry when you drive by fast food.
Those small coolers that are made for a six pack of soft drinks are a great way to bring snacks on a car trip,
Always have snacks on hand
Keep a roll of paper towels in your car for convenient cleanup and those inevitable accidents.
It’s always a good idea to keep some ziploc baggies in the car (great for wet/soiled clothes, snacks, etc.). Also, never leave home without baby wipes!! We always keep an extra pack in the car — great for wiping dirty hands/faces/bottoms, cleaning off public restroom toilet seats, spills, and many other things). :)
There are several things that we do when we travel. We always include a cooler (soft sided that fits behind a seat) to carry ice (in baggies), bottled water, drinks. Some other items we carry include snacks, hard candy/mints, baby wipes, hand sanitizer, paper towels, and a trash bag. Carrying our own drinks and snacks cuts down on expenses when you stop for gas or restroom break.
We take a water filter pitcher with us to refill our water bottles. We like the zero water one
Enjoy the trip along the way to the destination.
bring a cooler with drinks
If you have young kids I love to go to the dollar store and get some fun new toys to bring along/
It sounds dumb, but make sure to do a potty stop before you leave the house! You never know what traffic is looming down the road! At our house, EVERYONE makes one last stop before we hit the door!
If we are on a road trip, we stop every couple hours to let the kids get out and play for 10-15 minutes.
When packing roll your clothing up so it doesn’t get crease lines
bring lots of drinks so you and your family can stay hydrated.
love this giveaway…will have to try this brand of travel bottles. i too have tried many, many, many. My travel tips are to always have a change of clothes, shoes and blanket in trunk in case of weather change. I also like to have water in the car in case i’m stranded or stuck in traffic. I am a mega commuter and drive 50 miles each way to work :(
Travel at night when little kids are sleeping
Keep single serve and sample sized items in a tote bag. I carry things like instant coffee, creamer, sugar packets, those plastic fork and napkin sets from fast food restaurants, etc. Very handy.
bring lots of snacks!
always keep some cash on hand for places that may not accept your credit cards
Keep a few plastic grocery bags in the car. They come in handy for so many things. They can hold a we bathing suit or muddy shoes in the summer and snowy boots or damp hats and scarves in the winter. Many other uses, too!
Another one is to plan ahead, have somewhat of a schedule in mind.
I like to freeze grapes and take them with me in the car. They’re great for hot summer days!
Always take plenty of games, colors and books for the children, even on a trip to the grocery store.
we take along snacks – it’s cheaper than buying them
To save money while eating out, we’ll usually eat a piece of fruit from our packed food stash. This keeps us from being famished when we go to the restaurant and prevents us from ordering more than we need.
A daily commute is a great time to “read” an audio book. When I had a 45 minute commute for a while in college, I used the time to listen to my German language tapes for class (and practice speaking without an audience!) It’s amazing what you can learn during a ride that would be wasted time.
get an oil change and tune up for the car and have all the fluids and tires checked
today my tip is pack lots of games :)
i stop every 4 hours just to walk around it keeps me alert
tweet on 7/2
bring family fun games for the car ride
We pack a bottle of flavored creamer in the cooler. That way we can buy inexpensive black coffee and make it the way we like it instead of buying coffee at Starbucks.
For us it is always packing activitys for the kids.. makes for a smoother ride~!
My tip for small children is bring a basket of there favorite toys, some coloring books, and movies for them to watch!
must have games for the kids
Bring plenty of snacks and drinks
If you can bring movies and a portable dvd player that always helps us out.
When my daughter was younger (before she could be entertained with electronic devices), we used to pack wrapped surprises. She could count down how many more hours of driving we had to do by how many packages were left. She was allowed to open one each hour.
For longer road trips,my son and DIL entertain the kids with movies on a portable DVD player. Being strapped into car seats for long periods of time must be terribly boring, so movies help with that.
I always like to have extra water bottles and snacks in the car for just in case scenarios. I also keep a book for each child in the car. It has helped out many many times. Thank you
when traveling make sure you have a spare tire
have fun
know where the rest stops are
Have your toddler tote their own carry on…wheeled version through airports. Will slow them down, keep them on task and keep them from getting board by having a job to do
I also like to take baby wipes as well, they make for an easy clean up. My husband takes them trucking with him
i pack plenty of drinks and snacks for the kids, one of the 3 is always hungry or thirsty!
pack extra sets of clothes
Pack lightly. Take along clothes that “go together” so that it is possible to make multiple “outfits” out of just a few pieces.
pack a first aid kit…you never know
My biggest tip is to keep the kids busy. We have a round of activities and switch them off about every 20 minutes or so. Twenty minutes license plate game, 20 minutes coloring, etc by the time they get bored with the activity it is time to change.
today I would say switch drivers back and forth :)
My traveling trip is to fill a water bottle with ice only. It takes a while to melt but there is always ice cold water to drink!
allow more time than you think to get there
I prefer to travel in the late evening.My kids nap and it is peaceful.When we drove from Fl to NJ earlier this year it made the trip a lot easier if they slept instead of hollering to go potty every 15 minutes( I have 4 kids).Thanks!
Bring snacks and drinks so you don’t have to stop as often
A travel tip is to keep healthier snacks inside your car or bag so you do not have to purchase unhealthy expensive options while out.
Bring plenty of things to keep the kids occupied
On a longer road trip bring along some music in case you reach an area with few radio choices.
Don’t over pack. Pack clothes you know you love and not things you haven’t worn before
My best tip is to keep a trash bag in the car. It saves a lot of time later and helps to keep the car clean and fresh.
Always be vigilant when traveling to unfamiliar territory!
pack their favorite blankets , pillows or a favorite toy
I always bring snacks and drinks so you don’t have to stop somewhere and pay in case anyone gets hungry or thirsty.
bring clothes for various weather tempatures
If you’re traveling by car, make sure your spare tire is inflated.
On long drives, take advantage of rest stops at least every 90-120 minutes to stretch your legs & rehydrate.
In the car i always travel with an audio book. The time flies by!